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Strony Internetowe Do Poszukiwania Pracy

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi



Moja sytuacja wygląda następująco:

Miałem jechać do stanów do Orlando by pracować w biurze Orlando Magic, niestety przez lock out oferta pracy została anulowana i teraz chciałbym znaleźć pracę w inny sposób.

Czy mógłby mi ktoś podać strony internetowe gdzie mógłbym znaleźć oferty pracy ?

Najlepiej jakby dało się zaznaczyć że tylko na wakacje.

Bardzo proszę o pomoc,

Z góry dziękuje


wpisz w google, bo nie ma linków tutaj - skopiowałem to z pdf'a od mojego biura

About Job Search - Extensive employment links and information

Colorado - Type seasonal in the search to see what is available in Colorado

Coolworks -Lists vacancies in many different categories

Employment - Search for seasonal employment in Colorado

Fishing Jobs - Specializes in listing jobs with Alaskan fishing boats

Go Ski - No job listings but it is a great place to research numerous US resorts and what

they have to offer

High Country - Seasonal positions in the mountains

Job Monkey - Lists vacancies in many different categories

J1 - Site dedicated to jobs for the J-1 visa

Mountain - Mountain Resort Community Employment Connection

Resort - Specializes in resort jobs but list others jobs as well

Seasonal - Lists both summer and winter seasonal employers

Ski Central - You can use their Resort section for information on resorts in the area.

Many resorts have employment sections and online applications.

Ski Resorts - Lists resorts by state. Many resorts have employment sections

and online applications.

Ski Town - No job listings but it is a great place to research numerous US resorts and

what they have to offer

Snag a Job - Search or a job anywhere in the USA

Summer - Lists seasonal positions

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