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  • 2 tygodnie później...


No nic - jeszcze nie dzis... :cry:

"Folks, we suffered a defeat yesterday. The US Senate failed to act on the H-2B emergency legislation before it ended its session, thereby postponing action until next Wednesday (April 7th), when the Senate will next begin voting. Since the House of Representatives will depart today for a two-week recess, this means that Congressional action cannot be completed at this time. The best we can hope for is a bill to pass Congress sometime during the third or fourth week of April.

On Wednesday night (March 31st) we were on the verge of victory in the Senate. We have been told that 98 of the 100 Senators understood the importance of passing this legislation and were ready to pass the Hatch bill (S.2258). However, the 98 were not able to convince the remaining 2

Senators, and the effort failed. In this expedited process, all 100 Senators needed to agree. Just 2 US Senators stood in the way of saving the


The Senate is likely to take this up again on April 7th. There are many in the Senate who are confident that the bill will pass on the 7th, meaning that we will be half way to getting a bill to the President. If the House will vote on this bill immediately upon its return from recess, WE CAN STILL SAVE THE SUMMER.

We are all disappointed that the Senate and House did not complete Congressional action this week. More than this, we are all mad as can be that the Executive Branch and Congress put us in this H-2B crisis in the first place.

Rather than retreat, we need to continue our efforts to save the summer.

1. Senators: We need to contact our Senators and give them three messages:

a. Thank them (all but the two who derailed the legislation) for their support of legislation to fix the H-2B emergency;

b. Express your disappointment and outrage that the bill did not pass this week;

c. Demand that the Senate pass H-2B emergency legislation ASAP. You understand that the Senate will likely be voting again on April 7 - this bill must be passed before the Senate goes out on recess that same day.

2. US Representatives: We need to contact our Members of Congress as well.

a. Now that the House will be on recess for the next two weeks, call your Representative's local district office and set up an appointment to meet your Representative face-to-face. If you cannot get an appointment over the phone, go directly to the main district office to speak in person with the Representative's District Director [if you live too far away from the District Office, do the same thing throughphone calls];

b. Thank your Representative for his or her support of legislation to fix the H-2B emergency;

c. Ask your Representative to support a solution to the H-2B emergency. The best way to accomplish this is by formally becoming a co-sponsor of one or more bills;

d. Since this issue is so important to the community, businesses and families in the District, ask your Representative to take a leadership role on this issue to make sure it passes immediately after the recess.

Also, continue to contact your mayors, councils, associations and other elected and representative bodies. Get them to contact the Senators and Representatives as well.

We have to believe that the White House and Congress do not want to share the blame for the upcoming H-2B summer disaster. Over a period of just a few weeks, we have been able to bring this issue to the brink of success. Together, we are going to complete our work and see that

Congress and the Administration fix DHS's blunder so that we can get our H-2B temporary seasonal workforce in time for the summer. Stay tuned to for additional updates.

Thank you for all of your hard work up to now. And for the work that is

still ahead of us.

Hank Lavery


:roll: hmm - wedlug mnie i tak z tego nic nie wyjdzie. 2 osoby na 100 nie chcialy.. heh - raczej nikomu na tym nie zalezy. A nawey jesli w maju powiedza ok to zanim USCIS zacznie wydawac petycje to minie okolo 2/3 tygoni + czas w ambasadzie kolejne 2 tygonie - czyli przyjazdy w polowie czerwca....



No zobaczymy – pracodawcom zalezy baaardzo… Faktem jest, ze od 7 lat liczba wydawanych wiz H2B wzrosla z 16 do 79 tysiecy w roku ubieg3ym (ciekawostka – nie oznacza to przekroczenia „cap”, poniewa? liczy sie ilośa osob, a niektorzy w ciagu roku zdazyli dostac wiecej niz jedna wize) pomimo wzrostu bezrobocia… Ale prawda jest równie? to, i? ?aden Amerykanin nie podejmie sie wykonywania tych „low-skilled jobs” i oznacza to, ze wielu pracodawcow byloby zmuszonych do siegniecia po nielegalnych pracownikow… :lol:

Wierze, ze senatorowie zdaja sobie z tego sprawe i kwestia „Raise the cap" zakonczy sie sukcesem... :smt028

Tak na marginesie – srednie wynagrodzenie Amerykanina to 15,54 USD za godzine…




Jakby ktos byl zainteresowany przedluzaniem J-1 (bedac na internshipie) na H1B to najbardziej odpowiedni czas do wrzesien, bo przydzielanie wiz zaczyna sie od pazdziernika. W tym czasie nalezy miec juz zalatwione wszystkie sprawy papierkowe z pracodawca (ze chce zatrudnic i bla, bla-troche czasu i nerwow trzeba niestety w to wlozyc), oczywscie miec dobrego prawnika i ok. 3tys zielonych na jego oplacenie. Dodatkowa informacja to to, ze po internshipie i H1B (wiza 3-letnia w odroznieniu od H2B), mozna starac sie o permament residence.

Polaku, do dziela!



  • 2 tygodnie później...
Dodatkowa informacja to to, ze po internshipie i H1B (wiza 3-letnia w odroznieniu od H2B), mozna starac sie o permament residence.

O permanent residence wcale nie jest tak latwo. Z tego co wiem, rzeczywiscie po H1B mozna sie starac o permanent residence, ale dopiero po PIECIU latach legalnego pobytu i legalnej pracy w USA, a wiec wiza H1B raz, wiza H1B dwa i dopiero szanse na Green Card.

Nie mam pojecia jak sie to ma do wizy J-1 internship.

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