Chomik Napisano 2 Kwietnia 2004 Zgłoś Napisano 2 Kwietnia 2004 Czesc, Oto tresc artykulu - kolejnego z wielu - który ukazal sie w dzisiejszym "The Sun"... Jest to co prawda gazeta, która nawet psich odchodów bym nie zebral z chodnika, ale co tu kryc - tak nas widzi wielu Anglików! Zakladam nowy watek, bo spodziewam sie kolejnych rewelacji w ciagu nastepnych dni, tygodni, miesiecy... "From OLIVER HARVEY in Warsaw, Poland AN undercover Sun reporter has exposed just how easy it is to get a false east European passport and exploit the Government's shambolic immigration system. Our man was able to buy a forged Polish passport with a false name in a bustling Warsaw street market for just 800 GBP. He was also able to buy a picture ID card in his own name 330 GBP. The Home Office last night confirmed that from May 1 - when Poland and nine other nations join the EU - either document will allow entry to Britain. Similar fake credentials could be used by illegal immigrants from non-EU countries . . . as well as terrorists or big-time criminals. Our investigation comes just two days after Polish illegal immigrant Andrezej Kunowski - who arrived in Britain using a false passport - was jailed for life for killing a child. Depraved Kunowski, 48, raped 70 women and children in Poland then came to Britain and strangled 12-year-old Katerina Koneva. He even got life-saving heart surgery on the NHS and claimed benefits. But getting false ID documents can be shockingly easy, as we discovered. A tip-off from a contact in the Polish underworld led us to Rozyckiego Market, a vipers' nest of criminality in the centre of Polish capital Warsaw. Within seconds of entering the collection of rickety wooden and corrugated iron stalls we were approached by an unshaven man in a leather jacket. Through a translator, the man, with black moustache and baseball cap, offered our reporter a Polish ID card. The man boasted: "You can have it in whatever name you like. You will be able to travel all over Europe with it. It will be a perfect fake. You can pick it up tomorrow." Then, as other shoppers strolled by, we were ushered behind a flower stall out of sight of the busy street. Our man was then introduced to another gang member, an overweight, bald man in his fifties. He asked through the translator for our reporter's height, hair and eye colour. He agreed to provide an ID card in the name Oliver Harvey. Our man handed over a passport picture and 300 US dollars (165 GBP) up front. Returning two days later, he picked up the picture ID, a brilliant fake which also gave our reporter a false address in Warsaw. It also gave the city as his place of birth and a made-up name for his father. The green-fronted card, number DX1258874, came complete with official government stamps and watermarks. We paid a further 165 GBP in US dollars for the ID and shook hands. The bald man then said through our translator: "We trust you now. Why don't you buy a passport? We have Polish and Austrian, but Austrian is more expensive." He added: "You can have any name you like but why don't you let us make up a Polish identity for you? "Border guards will simply look at your passport and wave you through." His pal said: "People travel to Britain and throughout Europe on our passports. We will create a new identity for you, no problem." After quoting $2,000, around 1,100 GBP, our man bartered the price down to 800 GBP. As we struck the deal another man, of central Asian origin, arrived to collect HIS false passport. The racketeer proudly showed the fake to our reporter who, judging the papers a good copy, handed over a 500 GBP down payment in US dollars. The next day Sun photographer Phil Hannaford, concealed on the other side of the road from the market, captured our man collecting the sham passport. Our reporter now had the false name of Andrzej Miler, false date of birth March 28, 1968, and passport number BM3196643. When we compared our version with a legitimate Polish passport, there was no obvious difference. One local said: "This market is like a passport consulate. As well as passports and ID cards, you can get driving licences and degrees." In four weeks Poland will be the EU's eastern frontier. Mafia gangs have already established the nation as a people-smuggling staging post en-route to Britain and the West. Around 50,000 illegals from as far afield as China, Afghanistan and Somalia were stopped trying to cross Poland's borders last year. Almost 10,000 forged passports and other ID documents were discovered at British ports in 2002, the latest year for which figures are available - an increase of 46 per cent on 2001. But an unknown number of illegals with false papers make it into Britain each year. Forged passports are commonly used by terrorists to slip in and out of countries undetected. Two al-Qaeda terrorists, jailed in Britain in 2003, were discovered with hundreds of false travel documents. Lieutenant Miroslaw Szacillo, 46, of the Polish Border Guards, assured The Sun: "Only the most serious criminals with big money can afford to buy false documents in Poland. We make stringent checks on our borders and we are getting more equipment to detect fake documents." But Poles who do get in and find work in Britain will qualify for a range of benefits including free healthcare, child tax credit, child benefit, working tax credit, housing benefit and council tax benefit." Zródlo:,,2-20041...4151829,00.html Reporter brytyjskiego tabloidu "The Sun" kupi3 w Warszawie fa3szywe dokumenty. Za paszport i dowód osobisty zap3aci3 1100 funtów, czyli ok. 7 tys. z3otych. Reporter "The Sun" kupi3 najpierw polski dowód osobisty na nazwisko "Oliver Harvey" (ur. w 1968 roku). Zap3aci3 330 funtów. Dwa dni po z3o?eniu zamówienia odebra3 go na Bazarze Ró?yckiego. Sprzedawca zaproponowa3 mu tak?e paszport polski lub austriacki. Zaznaczy3, ?e "austriacki jest dro?szy" - pisze "The Sun". Paszport na nazwisko "Andrzej Miler" (ur. w 1968) odebra3 dzien po zamówieniu. Reporter zap3aci3 800 funtów. Artyku3 ukaza3 sie po skazaniu na do?ywocie Polaka Andrzeja Kunowskiego a zamordowanie 12-letniej dziewczynki. Kilka tygodni przed zbrodnią 48-letni Andrzej Kunowski zbieg3 z Polski, gdzie by3 poszukiwany za gwa3t na 10-latce. Zatrzymano go dopiero przed rokiem w Londynie w związku z gwa3tem na studentce. Obie sprawy po3ączono dzieki testom DNA i odciskom palców oskar?onego, pobranym na miejscu obu zbrodni. Podczas procesu w Londynie ujawniono kryminalną przesz3ośa Kunowskiego w Polsce - gdzie dokona3 a? 27 powa?nych przestepstw na tle seksualnym. Brytyjskie media bulwersuje fakt, ?e Kunowski pos3ugując sie fa3szywymi dokumentami korzysta3 z darmowej s3u?by zdrowia i innych instytucji spo3ecznych. "The Sun" tradycyjnie przestrzeg3 przed zalewem imigrantów z krajów Europy środkowo-wschodniej i negatywnymi dla Wielkiej Brytanii skutkami po rozszerzenia UE.[/i]
Flame of Udun Napisano 2 Kwietnia 2004 Zgłoś Napisano 2 Kwietnia 2004 The Sun to zwylky brukowiec jak FAKT, szuka sensacji i zeruje na latwowiernych - niestety duzo osob go czyta.... F
Chomik Napisano 4 Kwietnia 2004 Autor Zgłoś Napisano 4 Kwietnia 2004 Bez wzgledu na to, jak bym nie ocenial "The Sun", trudno nie dziwic sie lekom Brytyjczyków, skoro... ja sam sie boje 1-ego maja :!: Gdy wchodze na fora, dotyczace UK, gdy czytam posty, w których padaja wrecz slowa: "Bóg z nami - atakujmy Angoli", "Kto jedzie 1., 2., 3... maja?", "Jak jest w Londynie? Czy znajde prace?", "Prosze, pomózcie!", to az mnie krew zalewa... Boje sie, bo szybko wyjedzie masa ludzi i równie szybko ogromna wiekszosc z nich wróci, majac sie z niepyszna... Niestety, ale znaczaca ich czesc nie zdaje sobie sprawy z trudnosci, które ich czekaja i z tego, ze potrzebuja naprawde duuuuzo szczescia :!: Wróca i - co gorsza - beda pewnie narzekac... :wink: Nie widzac, iz wyjechali zupelnie nieprzygotowani... :smt013 Pozdrawiam, DAWID
Flame of Udun Napisano 5 Kwietnia 2004 Zgłoś Napisano 5 Kwietnia 2004 Po prostu skonczy sie na scianie placzu. Tak naprawde to jesli nie znasz angielskiego to i tak nic nie znajdziesz. Ponadto wydasz mase kasy na poszukiwanie pracy przez pierwsze pare tygodni. Potem zaplacisz posrednikowi ktory Ci wyroluje i tak sie skonczy bajka.. F
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