Rosa83 Napisano 9 Lipca 2011 Zgłoś Napisano 9 Lipca 2011 Dear Applicant Thank you for contacting Usa AuPair. We have been notified by your employer about your new job in California, U.S.A. Our job is to ensure you get here safely and legally within all the confines of the law. We are among several agencies whom are allowed to act as third parties between an au pair and the Immigration Services. We have been working with them for the past 15 years with great success so please be rest assured you are in the best hands possible. Your entire trip will be grouped into three stages 1. Securing your visa, health insurance and work papers 2. Scheduling a flight to bring you to the United States 3. Taking you from the airport to the residence of work Securing Your Visa and Work Papers: The nature of your job requires that you have a J1 visa (Au Pair Visa), with us this can be done within 2 weeks. We will need you to send us the following documents: 1- SCANNED PASSPORT 2- PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPH 3- FULL MAILING ADDRESS 4- EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT (Note: We have informed your employer to send Bank Statement of Account, Invitation Letter, Reference Letter and Tax Clearance to us) Here is a total cost breakdown of the different fillings we will be making for your visa 1. I-129 Petition for a Non-immigrant Trainee Worker $200.00 2. I-765 Application for Immigrant Authorization. $280.00 3. I-131 Application for Travel Document. $220.00 4. Immigration Attorney fees (For legal fillings at Ministry of Justice) $250.00 5. NOTE: Filing J1-or L-1 petitions must submit supplemental fraud prevention fee of $230.00. Total cost is $1180.00 Please ask for mode of payment before payments are made. You will also be registered under a health insurance scheme 2. Scheduling a flight to bring you to the United States: Depending on the date your visa is issued we will work out a date when we can book your flight. Please inform us of estimated weight of your luggage, any phobias or preferences in airlines and which International airport you will be leaving from. 3. Taking you from the airport to the residence of work: You will be landing at the LAX and there will be a representative from this agency who will be waiting to pick you up and take you to your employers home. For convenience of him locating you, we will give him one of your passport pictures for facial recognition and we expect you to let us know what you will be wearing so he can identify you. He will also have a sign post with your name on it for you to identify him just in case he misses you. We wish you the best of luck and require a phone number to contact you on. Respectfully, Scott Carter Usa AuPair! To caly mail od nich!!!
sly6 Napisano 9 Lipca 2011 Zgłoś Napisano 9 Lipca 2011 ceny sie nie zgadzaja to raz bo jak wpiszesz sobie w google dane papiery to Ci wyjdzie strona rzadowa USA i zobaczysz ile takie cos wynosi teraz
sly6 Napisano 9 Lipca 2011 Zgłoś Napisano 9 Lipca 2011 a teraz jak umiesz jezyk to zobaczysz jak jest ktore agencje moga takie cos robic,jakie papiery sa potrzebne itd
Rosa83 Napisano 9 Lipca 2011 Zgłoś Napisano 9 Lipca 2011 Hej!to scam jak nic dziekuje wielkie za ostrzezenie czulam ze cos nie tak ale wolalalm zapytac sie specjalistow!!! Jednak wybiore opcje wyjazdu do Kanady z agencji z ktorej wyjezdzalam do UK i jest najlepsza w Londynie i nic sie nie placi!!! Pozdrawiam bardzo serdecznie i jeszcze raz dziekuje!!!!
aivie Napisano 8 Listopada 2011 Zgłoś Napisano 8 Listopada 2011 Istnieje 13 Agencji Au pair zatwierdzonych przez rzad amerykanski: Agent Au Pair American Cultural Exchange, LLC, dba goAuPair American Institute For Foreign Study dba Au Pair in America Au Pair Foundation, Inc. Au Pair International, Inc. AuPairCare, Inc. Cultural Care Au Pair Cultural Homestay International EUR Au Pair Intercultural Child Care Programs Expert Group International Inc., dba Expert AuPair InterExchange Au Pair USA USAuPair, Inc. Member Synergy, LLC dba, The International Au Pair Exchange Tylko poprzez jedna z tych agencji mozna legalnie wyjechac jako au pair. Wszystkie inne propozycje to scam. Kilka z tych agencji ma w Polsce biura z ktorymi wspolpracuje i z tego co wiem mozna wyjechac tylko poprzez agencje ktora ma swojego przedstawiciela w danym kraju. nie wiem o wszystkich mozliwosciach, ale najwiecej dziewczyn z Polski wyjezdza jako au pair przez Cultural Care i AuPairCare.
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