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Ambasada USA w Warszawie błędnie liczy odmowy wizowe

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi


Sę k w tym że nie ma właściwie żadnych "przepisów" o których wspomina artykuł, są jedynie wytyczne.

How can a country join the VWP?

A country must meet various requirements to be considered for designation in the Visa Waiver Program. Requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • enhanced law enforcement and security-related data sharing with the United States;
  • issuing e-Passports;
  • having a visitor (B) visa refusal rate of less than three percent;
  • timely reporting of both blank and issued lost and stolen passports; and
  • maintenance of high counterterrorism, law enforcement, border control, and document security standards.

Designation as a VWP country is at the discretion of the U.S. government. Meeting the objective requirements of the VWP does not guarantee a country will receive VWP designation.

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