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Sponsor na wize f1

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi


Chcialabym sie dowiedziec gdzie mozna znalezc sponsora aby zmienic wize z j1 na f1?(moze nie najlepiej sformulowane pytanie,ale zrozumiale)Aktualnie jestem Au pair ale chcialabym zostac w Usa na f1...(do konca programu zostalo mi 6 miesiecy)Prosze takze o wiadomosci na temat w miare tanich szkol jezykowych w okolicach Washington dc...Czekam na Wasze podpowiedzi....:)

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Chcialabym sie dowiedziec gdzie mozna znalezc sponsora aby zmienic wize z j1 na f1?(moze nie najlepiej sformulowane pytanie,ale zrozumiale)Aktualnie jestem Au pair ale chcialabym zostac w Usa na f1...(do konca programu zostalo mi 6 miesiecy)Prosze takze o wiadomosci na temat w miare tanich szkol jezykowych w okolicach Washington dc...Czekam na Wasze podpowiedzi....:)

Sponsorem mozesz byc ty, twoja rodzina, osoba wogole niespokrewniona, agencja rzadowa, firma.

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  • 2 tygodnie później...
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Bedac na terytorium USA z wazna wiza j-1, mozesz ja zmienic co najwyzej na status studenta. Po wize musisz jechac do Polski.

Ze zmiana statusu z tego co wiem nie ma wiekszego problemu. A co z dostaniem wizy studenckiej bedac w Polsce, to nie mam zielonego pojecia.

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  • 2 tygodnie później...

na wizie F1 nie mozna pracowac (chyba ze campus), ale mozna miec praktyki platne?? np. jak mam pracodawce co chetnie mnie wezmie na praktyki platne to moza tak zrobic? da sie aby te praktyki trwaly przez caly okres studiow i aby studiowac wieczorowo??

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Sa dwa rodzaje praktyk OPT -1rok , ktory mozesz wykorzystac zaczynajac jak ukonczysz 1 rok studiow,lub po ukonczeniu studiow


CPT - ktory mozesz wykorzystac po ukonczeniu swojej szkoly

Wiec Ciebie raczej interesuje OPT

Tutaj masz troche informacji na ten temat :

"What is Optional Practical Training?

Optional Practical Training (OPT) is temporary employment authorization that gives F-1 students an opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to a practical work experience off campus. You may use some or all of the available 12 months of practical training during your course of study or save the full twelve months to use after you complete your studies . Authorization for optional practical training is granted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) – formerly known as the Immigration and Naturalization Service or INS - and can take at least 90 days and frequently up to 120 days to obtain. It is important that you apply for the authorization at the earliest possible date.

What are the Eligibility Requirements for F-1 Optional Practical Training?

To be eligible to apply for optional practical training, you must:

- have been in full time student status for at least one full academic year preceding the submission of your OPT application

- be maintaining valid F-1 status at the time of the application, and

- intend to work in a position directly related to your major field of study.

When should I apply?

- If you are a student completing the first academic year of study (or are in a one year program), the earliest you can submit the application is 90 days prior to the date you complete your first academic year.

- If you are beyond the first year of study, we recommend you submit your application no earlier than 120 days prior to the start date you request for your OPT.

- If you are applying for OPT based on completion of all coursework and/or completion of your academic program, you must submit an application for optional practical training prior to your completion date.Applications received at USCIS after the completion date will be denied.

- Applications will be accepted by your school at your pre-scheduled OPT appointment

You must bring the following documents to your OPT appointment at your school:

- OPT Request Form which is to be signed by your dean, department chairperson or academic advisor.

- the completed I-765 form.

- A copy of your I-94 form (both sides) and a copy of the visa and identification pages from your passport

- Copies, front and back, of all previous I-20s

- Two recent photographs per. Write your name and SEVIS number in pencil on the back of the photos. Do not cut to size or staple.

- A check for $180 payable to US Department of Homeland Security

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