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Z góry przeprasza was za moje nieustanne pytania ale jest to dla mnie bardzo ważne i proszę o wyrozumiałość i w miarę możliwości odpowiedzenie mi na moje pytania… otóż wybieram się na studia ( w Polsce) jednak zaraz po studiach chce wyjechać do USA i pracować w swoim zawodzie , obecnie zdecydowałam się iż pójdę na studia techniczne dokładnie na infrastrukturę dróg bądź budownictwo lądowe ( związane z lotniskiem) jednak na tym forum ludzie wypowiadają się że trudno jest tam znaleźć prace w tym zawodzie( a rozumiecie nie po to idę na studia aby potem komuś toaletę szorować) więc powiedzcie mi co o tym myślicie…. I jakie zawody w stanach są opłacalne , dokładnie… jakie studia sączyć, aby potem znaleźć prace w zawodzie… PS. dziękuje za pomoc ...

jakbym zrobiła staż w ramach programu Internship co miałabym jakieś szanse pracować jako np. inżynier czy coś z tym związanego w usa

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…. I jakie zawody w stanach są opłacalne , dokładnie… jakie studia sączyć, aby potem znaleźć prace w zawodzie…

Medical and dental specialists top the list of the highest paid professions, as they hold numbers one through eight of the 25 highest earning jobs as well as five other rankings on the 2004 list. Anesthesiologists are number one, internists number two and obstetricians and gynecologists number three of the top professional earners in the United States. Oral surgeons take the fourth spot, orthodontists the fifth and prosthodontists the sixth. Psychiatrists are listed as the seventh of the highest paid professions, while surgeons are ranked as the eighth. The average 2004 income for these eight professions is more than $145,600 US dollars (USD).

Family and general physicians, with their average annual 2004 salary listed at $137,090 USD, place tenth on the Survey. Pediatricians, at an average income of $135,730 USD in 2004, are ranked eleventh. Thirteenth on the list of the highest paid professions are dentists, with an average annual 2004 salary of $125,060 USD, while podiatrists are ranked eighteenth with an average income of $94,400 in 2004. According to the Survey, optometrists, with an average salary of $88,410 in 2004, are the twenty-third highest paid professionals in the United States.

Business and technology management professions occupy three of the 25 highest paid professions listed on the Occupational Statistics Survey. Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), with an average annual salary of $140,350 USD in 2004, rank as the ninth highest paid professionals. Computer and Information Technology (IT) managers rank as the twentieth highest earning professionals with an average 2004 income of $92,570 USD. Marketing managers, with average 2004 earnings of $87,640 USD, are ranked twenty-fourth out of the 25 highest paid professions on the Survey.

Airline and space industry jobs are listed as the twelfth, fourteenth and sixteenth highest paid professions in the United States. Airline pilots, copilots and airline engineers earn about $129,250 USD, according to the 2004 statistics. The 2004 average salary of air traffic controllers is about $102,030 USD per year, while astronomers earned an average of $97,320 USD in 2004.

Law-related professions rank seventeenth and nineteenth on the 2004 Occupational Statistics Survey. The average 2004 salary of lawyers is listed as $94,930 USD. Judges and magistrates earn an average of $93,070 USD, according to the 2004 Survey.

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Jesli masz sie uczyc za lekarza a tego zawodu nie kochac i nie byc dobra to po co isc?

to nie na tym to polega,rozumiesz?jesli bedziesz dobra w tym co robisz to praca sie znajdzie,,fakt moze nie za 100000 rocznie ale jak bedzie mniej to chyba tez dobrze ,prawda?

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