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Przedluzenie Zielonej Karty Kategoria Np 5

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Dokładnie chodzi mi o przedłużenie Zielonej Karty Kategoria NP 5.

Znajomy zwrócił sie do mnie o pomoc w sprawie przedluzenia Zielonej Karty.

Kategoria NP 5 jest to Kategoria Rodzinna ?

Jak należy ja przedłużyć, w ten sam sposób jak Zielona Kartę, która dostaje sie na dwa lata ?

Proszę Was o pomoc, gdyż kompletnie nie wiem jak sie za to zabrać.

Dzięki wielkie za wszelką pomoc !

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20 lat wazna karta>?nie slyszalem o tym nigdy ...

a tutaj jest jak ktos ma ta karte na 10 lat

When to Renew a Green Card

You should renew your green card if you are a permanent resident with a Form I-551 valid for 10 years and the card is either expired or will expire within the next 6 months.

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On nie ma karty I-551 tylko zapewne starsza wersje, ktora ma obowiazek od dawna zastapic nowsza wersja. Jego karta zostala wydana zapewne w 1990, w ostatnim roku wydawania kart w kategorii NP5 i jest przestarzala. Nalezy ja zatem wymienic uzywajac formularza I-90.

Renewal of Legal Permanent Residency Identification Cards

Notice: The USCIS indicates that alien's should apply to replace their current card if the card is a prior version of the alien registration card (Form AR-3, Form AR-103, Form I-151). To find the FORM NUMBER ON THE CARD look on the backside (see sample PDF), cards should read I-551 if not you must apply for a replacement card. These versions are no longer valid to prove immigration status for any purpose and you may be unable to re-enter the US if traveling on one of the older cards. Those holding the older cards should should submit an Application to Replace Permanent Residence Card (Form I-90) to receive the current version (Form I-551). Although currently there is no evidence that Permanent Residents are being required to undergo the special security checks you should be aware that such checks are at the discretion of the UCIS. If you had any criminal convictions or meet other USICE criteria, there is a risk of losing your permanent residence. Lengthy absences from the U.S. (over one year) might also put you at the risk of having the USCIS determine that your permanent residence was abandoned. If in doubt whether to renew, it is suggested that you consult with an immigration attorney.

Background: The USCIS has been issuing Green Cards (Form I-551, Alien Registration Receipt Card) that expire every 10 years. You may apply for a replacement card up to 6 months in advance of the expiration date.

If you have a previous version of the alien registration card (e.g. USCIS Form AR-3, Form AR-103, or Form I-151, these are no longer valid proof of your status) and must replace it with the current permanent resident card (Form I-551). The older versions have no expiration date on them, these cards may now be invalid if they are one of those indicated above.

It is important to note that when your alien registration card expires, you will not lose your status. However, renewal is necessary to maintain evidence

of status and avoid problems when seeking employment, benefits or re-entry into the United States after travel abroad. You should also be aware that by renewing your card, the USCIS will pay attention to whether you have maintained your permanent residency during the previous 10 years.

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