jedrus Napisano 24 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 24 Stycznia 2006 czy musze pracowac u sponsora po otrzymaniu green card? czy sa ku temu jakies przepisy ? moze ktos zna link . z gory dzieki
karina Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 czy musze pracowac u sponsora po otrzymaniu green card?powinienes pracowac, bo na tej podstawie dostales green card czy sa ku temu jakies przepisy ? sa przepisy ku temu aby Ci te green card cofnac jesli nie bedziesz pracowal (moze to zrobic pracodawca), poza tym moze byc dosc nieprzyjemnie podczas egzaminu na obywatelstwo (wlacznie z tym, ze nawet wtedy urzednik moze podjac decyzje o sprawdzeniu czy w ogole nalezala Ci sie green card skoro nie poszedles do pracy tam gdzie powinienes byl pojsc (jesli beda zainteresowane osoby to opisze to kiedys szerzej, a w razie watpliwosci prosze sie zwrocic do swojego adwokata, ktory sprawe prowadzil i on powinien to Panu wyjasnic krok po kroku) moze ktos zna link . masz ponizej napisane kilka slow o tym, z tym, ze prawnie nawet do 5 lat (czyli do momentu starania sie o obywatelstwo) mozna udowodnic, ze ktos dostal Green Card nielegalnie czyli bez zamiaru pracy u danego pracodawcy. W praktyce jednak rzadko zdarza sie aby ktos kogos pozywal (tak to nazwijmy) do USCIS po okresie jednego roku czy dwoch lat. Zalezy od pracodawcy, od podpisanego kontraktu (jesli takowy byl) itd. z gory dzieki In today's dynamic market, many people want to know how long does an employee who receives employment based greencard needs to work for the same employer after getting he greencard. There is no precise answer to this question. The law say that if the employee left within 2 years, the employee has burden to prove that he/she accepted the job offer in good faith and didn't intend to leave at the time of accepting permanent residentship. If it is more than 2 years, the burden comes to USCIS to prove that. The theory behind greencard through offer of employment is that an employee is accepting a job on a "permanent" basis. But "permanent" obviously does not mean for ever as it does not make sense. But it also does not mean that the person leaves the company the day he/she gets green card. Each case would be different depending upon employee-employer relationship. But in general, staying with the same company for about 6 months to 1 year should be enough indication of permanency. "Permanent" means that, at the time the employee becomes a lawful permanent resident, neither the employer nor the employee have any plans to change the employment relationship described in the labor certification or I-140 petition. If you leave too soon, USCIS may claim that you did not intend to take the job up on a "permanent" basis. If the employer(or even a jealous co-worker)is dissatisfied with yourself leaving too soon, they can file a complaint with USCIS and USCIS may either take any action or not depending upon the circumstances. USCIS also may find about yourself leaving too soon while later applying for Citizenship or petitioning for relatives.If USCIS finds out that the employee was just waiting for his/her immigration to be complete before jumping to a new job, then they are likely to charge fraud. If, on the other hand, it appears that the employee really did intend to stay with the petitioning employer indefinitely at the time of immigrating, but a legitimate reason later developed for leaving(like employer's business took an unexpected downturn and the employer had to lay off workers), then there should be no problem. Even if the employer does not mind employee leaving immediately after getting the green card, it is not OK for USCIS. Both employer and employee should have good faith to have that employer/employee relationship on a "permanent" basis.
Polonus Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 to znaczy Karina ze jezeli pracodawca nie doniesie nigdy to bezkarnie mozemy zmienic prace?
jedrus Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Autor Zgłoś Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Wynika z tego ze prawo chroni sponsora , a czy sa okolicznosci ktore by zezwalaly prawnie bez obawy przed strata green card zaprzestania pracy u sponsora?
karina Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 to znaczy Karina ze jezeli pracodawca nie doniesie nigdy to bezkarnie mozemy zmienic prace? tak
karina Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Wynika z tego ze prawo chroni sponsora , a czy sa okolicznosci ktore by zezwalaly prawnie bez obawy przed strata green card zaprzestania pracy u sponsora? Prawo powinno chronic sponsora, bo to on podpisywal dokumenty, a Ty chciales w ten sposob otrzymac green card. Tak wiec Ty chciales green card, a sponsor chcial pracownika - dlatego nazywa sie to sponsorowaniem pracowniczym. Natomiast w wielu przypadkach mozna zrobic kontrakt miedzy toba (pracownikiem) a sponsorem (pracodawca) - taki kontrakt ustrzeze was przed niepotrzebnymi pytaniami w przyszlosci. Ale to juz bylo/jest w kwestii prawnika/osoby prowadzacej twoja sprawe o sponsorowanie. Natomiast jesli uwazasz, ze stawka zaproponowana ci przez sponsora jest za mala itd. to - wg prawa - mogles to zglosic podczas interview o zielona karte (tyle, ze wtedy bys jej nie dostal). Prawo musi chronic sponsora bo inaczej byloby tak, ze kazdy chcialby miec podpisane dokumenty a potem, w momencie otrzymania green card, po prostu powiedzial 'bye'. Jest to ryzykowne przede wszystkim ze wzgledu na obywatelstwo w przyszlosci. Dlatego naprawde bardzo pozyteczne jest miec kontrakt, ktory wyjasnia wiele rzeczy.
karina Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Wynika z tego ze prawo chroni sponsora , a czy sa okolicznosci ktore by zezwalaly prawnie bez obawy przed strata green card zaprzestania pracy u sponsora? tak, np. wysylanie wiekszosci pracownikow na bezrobocie, masowe zwolnienia pracownikow z powodu malej wydajnosci firmy i problemow na rynku zbytu, dyskryminacja kogos ze wzgeldu na plec, religie czy kolor skory. To sa przyklady kiedy ciezko byloby ci zabrac green card gdybys nie pracowal u pracodawcy przez jakis czas.
jedrus Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Autor Zgłoś Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 hm ... w takim razie jak by wygladala moja sytuacja gdybym odszedl od sponsora do innego pracodawcy ,ale na takie samo stanowisko i z takim samym zakresem obowiazkow jaki byl podany w aplikacji ?
max321 Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How soon can I leave my petitioning employer once I get my green card approval? A. There is no brief answer to this question. Let me explain. The basic premise (or theory) behind permanent residence through offer of employment is that an employee is accepting a job on a "permanent" bases. What does "permanent" mean? Does it mean for ever. Obviously not. That would be unreasonable. But "permanent" also does not mean that you pack your bags the moment you receive your green card. So what is the answer? No one really knows. Each case has to be determined upon its own merits. Normally, I would say working for one year or more with the same employer after getting your GC is PROBABLY enough indication of permanency. Less than 4-5 months is perhaps evidence to the contrary But REMEMBER, this is just my own guess. Technically speaking, the moment you decide that you will leave after a certain period of time, "permanent" intent is gone. Catch-22 eh? Well that is the way it is. There may be considerable relaxation in this interpretation because in the year 2001 Congress enacted a law that permits employees to leave an employer even while their I-485 is pending. We do not have the regulations or any detailed guidance on these issues. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ---------------------------------------------- Q. I did not willingly left the GC sponsor employer but actually after three months I got my GC, i got laid off from the project and due to the bad economy , my employer was not able to get me other project so he gave me letter saying that he wont be able to pay me salary since he doesnt have any project for me.And, after getting that letter I resigned from GC sponsor employer. This is the whole scenario, now considering it, Am I still at risk? A. There are no clear rules as we have stated above. But, In my opinion, there is no risk in this scenario. You acted in good faith to continue the job, but your employer could not continue to employ you. Q. I am employed at the XYZ University (XYZU). I applied for 485 myself (without attorney). My 485 was approved last month and I got my passport stamped in July. My contract with XYZU is coming to an end. My job is renewed every year based on the availability of funding. I have been with XYZU for the last 5 years. There is a possibility that they (XYZU) may not extend the contract because the research grant I got is coming to an end in september. Will my termination from the job at XYZU affect my Green Card in the future, and is it better to be terminated from service (based on unavailability of funding) by the WVU or is it better to offer my resignation? A. I think it is better to be terminated. There are no clear rules as we have stated above. But, In my opinion, there is no risk in this scenario. You acted in good faith to continue the job, but your employer could not continue to employ you.
max321 Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 25 Stycznia 2006
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