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Mi mama wysyla z Polski Yasminelle i wpisuje jako witaminy na kopercie. Jak dobrze rozumiem w USA odpowiednik Yasminelle to Yaz?( czy ktos porownywal czy przypadkiem nie roznia sie skladem? pytam bo rowniez jestem zainteresowana aby wybrac sie w USA po nie do lekarza)

Tak robione przez Bayer i maja skladki drospirenone i ethinyl estradiol w malej ilosci. I tez ci powiem ze najlepjej to w Planned Parenthood.

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Nie jestem lekarzem, ale napisze Ci co ja wiem: sa 3 rodzaje tabletek z tej 'serii': YAZ, Yasmin oraz Yasminelle. Podobno yasminelle jest odpowiednikiem tego co Ty bierzesz, YAZ jest podobno silniejszy.

Tu masz rozpiske zawartosci (sciagnelam to z netu):

I have used Yasmin: 3 mg drospirenone + 0.03 ethinyl estradiol

21 pills

Yasminelle: 3 mg drospirenone + 0.02 ethinyl estradiol

21 pills

Yaz: 3 mg drospirenone + 0.02 ethinyl estradiol BUT 24 active pills + 4 inactive. So, it's the same stuff as yasminelle, but you take it for three days longer. Maybe they found that this dosage works better for women.

Wiem, ze w 2009 zlozono mnostwo lawsuits (stad znam te tabletki) od osob, ktore braly YAZ. Sa nawet prawnicy specjalizujacy sie w oskarzeniach dot. YAZ/Yasmin/Yasminelle. Tutaj masz przyklad:

In the summer of 2009, however, numerous lawsuits were filed by women who claim that Yaz had made them ill. They allege that Bayer, which markets the drug, had overstated its benefits and failed to adequately warn of its risks for injury. The FDA has specifically criticized two television commercials Bayer ran that minimized the potential health consequences of Yaz.

Evidence has since grown that Yaz carries serious health risks. The FDA has warned that in certain women, drospirenone can lead to hyperkalemia, a condition caused by excessive amounts of potassium in the blood. Hyperkalemia can result in serious heart and other health complications.

Therefore, women predisposed to hyperkalemia, such as those with renal or adrenal insufficiency or liver dysfunction should not take Yaz. Women taking Yaz should also be careful about drug interactions that could in crease potassium in addition to potentially dangerous drug interactions common to all combination oral contraceptives.

Women who take Yaz should read the package insert and have the potassium level in their blood monitored every few months. There are also numerous potential serious adverse reactions, dangerous interactions, and contraindications common to all combination oral contraceptives women who take Yaz should be aware of.


Yasmin & Yaz Lawsuits Being Filed Globally As More Women Report Injuries

Bayer Healthcare's fourth generation birth control pills are known around the world as Yaz, Yasmin, Yasminelle, Aida and Petibelle – and women are filing lawsuits against the pharmaceutical giant in the U.S., Germany, Australia, and other countries after reporting injuries such as blood clots (thrombosis), strokes and even death.

Global birth control pill lawsuits

Women around the world are filing product liability lawsuits against Bayer Healthcare alleging that Bayer knew about Yaz and Yasmin's dangerous side effects, but failed to warn consumers. Here's a summary of some of the lawsuits and injuries that have been reported in the U.S. and elsewhere:

* United States: The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has received numerous reports of injuries due to Yaz and Yasmin, such as these:

o Ohio. A 34 year old Ohio teacher filed a lawsuit against Bayer alleging that taking Yaz caused her to permanently lose partial use of her right lung after she developed blood clots in both of her lungs.

o South Carolina. A 33 year old South Carolina nurse filed a lawsuit against Bayer alleging that she was hospitalized with several blood clots in both of her lungs, had to undergo gallbladder surgery and suffered months of anxiety and nausea after taking Yaz.

o New Jersey. A 39 year old New Jersey woman filed a lawsuit against Bayer alleging that she had a stroke after taking Yaz. She was hospitalized for six months and had to have part of her skull removed due to excess swelling in her brain. That surgery left her mentally disabled.

* Australia: A 24 year old Melbourne college student's family filed a lawsuit against Bayer after the woman collapsed and died of a pulmonary embolism. Her death has been attributed to Yaz usage.

* Switzerland: Nine deaths have been attributed to Bayer's Yasmin line of products, according to Swissmedic, Switzerland's medical regulatory agency – the most recent being the death of a 21 year old woman who allegedly died from a blood clot.

* Germany: Over 130 adverse drug reactions from Bayer's oral contraceptives have been reported to Germany's Federal Institute for Medical Devices (the German version of the FDA) – the latest being a 25 year old woman who died after doctors found three blood clots in her lungs.

Moja znajoma brala to co Ty bierzesz, poszla tutaj do lekarza familijnego i przepisal jej YAZ. Przez kilka dni dziewczyna miala bole brzuch, glowy, zaworty glowy, wymitowala wiec pojechala na wizyte do ginekologa a ten powiedzial, ze YAZ jest dla niej za ciezki i powinna brac yasminelle (tak jak brala w Polsce).

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Karino moge ci te same ilosci lawsuits znalesc o Tylenol(Apap).

Co do twojej znajomej to kazda pacjentka jest inna i nie i wiadomo jakie jescze problemy mogla miec przed brania pigulek.

Z tego co wiem to pigulski maja wiencej zyskow niz ryzyko. Naprzyklad Kobiety ktore biora pigulki maja o 50% mniej sanze na raka macicy. Juz pasytlki sa uzywanze przez kobiety od 1960tego roku. Yaz jest to samo co Yasminelle: kutnia byla o patent. Bayer wygral I markuje jako Yaz zamiast Yasminelle.

Yaz ma wiencej pastylkow w mysli ze kobieta powina sie przywyczajc do bracia tabletek i te 4 nieaktywne sa przypomianki.

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Bylam w Stanach jako au pairka i bralam tam Femcon Fe przez ok 3 miesiace (na tradzik), ale musialam przestac je brac, bo czulam sie okropnie. Wymiotowalam pare razy, kazdy zapach wywolywal u mnie mdlosci, codzienne bole glowy, okropny kaszel (pojawil sie jak zaczelam je brac), ale tradzik przez te 3 miesiace mi wyleczyly. Zdecydowalam sie przestac je brac. Wrocilam do Polski, dostalam znow okropny wysyp na twarzy, poszlam do dematologa, skierowal mnie do ginekologa, bo zmiany wygladaly mu na typowo hormonalne i teraz biore Yasminelle. Czuje sie fantastycznie, w ogole nie czuc, ze biore tabletki, ale z leczeniem tradziku juz troche gorzej (btw leczylam i lecze go juz ok 10lat). Jest mniejszy, ale nie mam tak ladnie wygojonej twarzy jak przy Femcon Fe(taki maly offtopic).

DO czego zmierzam to to, ze jezeli dostane wize narzeczenska i polece do Stanow to po prostu bede mogla brac YAZ przez 21 i pominac 3 dodatkowe, ktore tam dodaja do blistra? W koncu skoro sklad nie robi roznicy, to bede je brala jak Yasminelle tutaj? Prawda?

Co do tego, ze Yasminelle czy YAZ jest straszne. Kazde tabletki hormonalne maja duzo efektow ubocznych. Czy sie tego chce czy nie. W koncu to HORMONY. Kazdej kobiecie pasuja inne tabletki. To, ze jednej osobie zaszkodzily, nie znaczy ze drugiej tez. Tabletki musza byc dobrze dobrane.

WYstarczy poczytac po roznych forach internetowych, gdzie kobiety wymieniaja sie doswiadczeniami po braniu roznych tabletek. Powiedzenie "jeszcze sie taki nie urodzil co by wszystkim dogodzil" jakos dziwnie pasuje tez do tabletek antykoncepcyjnych. Dla mnie dziwne jest to, ze kobiety maja przedstawiane czarne na bialym jakie moga byc efekty uboczne zazywania tabletek, a i tak potem chodza do prawnikow. Jezeli ktos decyduje sie je brac powinien tez zdawac sobie sprawe, ze nie sa to witaminy. Nikt nikogo nie zmusza do brania ich, kobiety same ida do lekarzy i same sie na nie decyduja. W ulotkach napisane sa mozliwe efekty uboczne.

Wciaz wiec nie rozumiem halasu naokolo danej marki tabletek. Hormony to hormony. Niezaleznie od tego pod jaka nazwa sa sprzedawane.

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