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Przykładowe Pytania Na Rozmowie Po/przed Ślubem Z Obywatelem Usa

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Witam, poniżej pytania często zadawane na rozmowach przy ubieganiu się o wizę narzeczeńską K1 lub już po ślubie w USA. Jeśli chcielibyście dodać do listy jakieś inne, niewyszczególnione tutaj, z własnego doświadczenia, proszę o PW.

Przykładowe pytania na rozmowie o zieloną kartę po ślubie (lub przed w ambasadzie) z obywatelem USA:


How long do you know your fiance?

How did you meet?

Have you ever been to the US?

When did you meet in person?

When and how did your fiance propose?

Why was yours/your fiance's first marriage not working out?

Does your fiance have any kids? How many, how old, who do they live with?

When did your fiance divorce?

When is your fiance's birthday?

Does your fiance's have any brothers and sisters?

Do you have any brothers and sisters?

Where do your fiance's parents live?

What does your fiance do for a living?

Where does your fiance live?

Where was he born?

What do you love about your fiance?

When are you going to leave? (from my country)

When are you going to have the wedding?

Have you ever applied for a traveling visa?

Has he ever been to your country?

Where did your fiance visit when he was here?

Have you ever lived in the USA?

Po ślubie z obywatelem:

Describe your 1st meeting.

Did you make arrangements to meet again?

Did you exchange phone numbers?

When did you meet next?

Where were you living at the time? Where was your spouse living?

When did you decide to get married? Where were you at the time?

Did you live together before marriage?

When and where did you get married? How did you and your spouse get to the church, courthouse, etc.?

Who were the witnesses to the ceremony?

Did you exchange wedding rings?

Where had you purchased these rings? Did you and your spouse purchase them together?

Did you have a reception after the ceremony?

Where was it held?

Do you have any photos of the ceremony and /or reception?

Describe the reception.

Did any of your, and your spouse’s, family members attend? If so, who?

Did you go on a honeymoon? If so, when and where?

If you did not have a reception, what did you do after the wedding ceremony?

Where did you live after the wedding?

Describe the place where you lived right after the marriage. Number of bedrooms and bathrooms; furnishings; color of walls, floor coverings, appliances, etc; type of air conditioning, heating, etc; # of telephones, televisions, etc. Do you have cable television?

Where did you get the furniture? Was it already there, did you buy it, was it a gift, or did it come from your, or your spouse’s, previous residence?

If brought to the house or apartment, describe how it was transported.

Describe your bedroom. Where do you keep your clothes? Where does your spouse keep his or her clothes? Where are the bathroom towels kept? Where do you keep the dirty clothes?

Where is the garbage kept in the kitchen?

On what day of the week is the garbage picked up?

Where do you shop for groceries? Do you go together with your spouse? How do you get there?

Where do you work? What days of the week do you work?

What is your telephone # at work?

When was the last vacation you had from work?

Where did you go? How did you get there? Describe it.

Where does your spouse work? What days of the week? What hours? What is the salary, if you know?

What is your spouse’s telephone # at work?

Do you or your wife have any scars, birthmarks or tattoos? If so, where on the body?

Do you know your spouse’s family members? If so, which ones? If your spouse has children from a previous marriage, their names, ages, where they live, and where they go to school, if applicable.

Do your families know each other?

Where do you live now? (If different from where you lived right after the marriage, then go over the same questions as above). How much is the rent? When is it paid? How do you pay it?

Do you have a bank account together? Where? What kind of account? (Checking, savings).

Are both of you listed on the account? (Do you have a bank letter, cancelled checks, etc.?)

Did you file a joint tax return this year? Do you have a copy with you?

Do you own any property together? What property? Did you bring copies of the documents with you?

What kind of automobile do you and your spouse have? Describe them.

Do you have an insurance policy listing your spouse as the beneficiary? If so, do you have a copy?

Have you taken any trips or vacations together? Do you have photos from these trips?

What other documentation do you have to show that you are living together as husband and wife?

Do you have any pets? What kind, what are their names, and describe them?

What did you do for Christmas, New Year’s, your anniversary, or you or your spouse’s last birthday? Did you exchange gifts? If so, what kind of gift?

Did you or your spouse go to work yesterday? If so, at what time did you and/or your spouse leave the house and return?

Who cooks the meals at the house?

What is your spouse’s favorite food? What is your favorite food?

Does your spouse drink coffee? If so, does he or she use cream and/or sugar?

Did you eat dinner together last night? Did anyone else have dinner with you? What did you have?

What time was dinner served? Who cooked it?

Did you watch TV after dinner? What shows did you watch?

At what time did you go to bed? Who went to bed first?

Did you have the air conditioning or heater on?

Who woke up first this morning? Did an alarm clock go off?

Did you or your spouse take a shower?

Did you come to the interview together? Who drove?

Did you have breakfast? Where and what did you eat?

Last cinema visit – when, what did you see?

Who’s your doctor? How did you choose him?

What did you wear to sleep? Which side of the bed do you sleep by?

What color is the shower curtain?

What color is the laundry basket?

What medication do you use? How and when do you take it?

Was the christmas tree a live one?

When you enter your house, what do you see on the right/left?

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Po pierwsze to te pytania zadaja na Stokesie - jak ktos jest podejrzany o fraud. Zdarza sie to dosc rzadko a ten temat sugeruje ze kazdy po kolei taka serie dostaje.... Ja moze dostalem ze trzy pytania - jedno z nich to np. ile samochodow mamy

Natomiast jak do Stokesa juz dojdzie to zdarzalo sie tak ze przy jednej - dwoch odpowiedziach nie zgadzajacych sie ze soba ludzie dostawali denial...

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Po pierwsze to te pytania zadaja na Stokesie - jak ktos jest podejrzany o fraud. Zdarza sie to dosc rzadko a ten temat sugeruje ze kazdy po kolei taka serie dostaje.... Ja moze dostalem ze trzy pytania - jedno z nich to np. ile samochodow mamy

Natomiast jak do Stokesa juz dojdzie to zdarzalo sie tak ze przy jednej - dwoch odpowiedziach nie zgadzajacych sie ze soba ludzie dostawali denial...

no tak ale jak mamy razem dziecko i mamy papiery (dowod) ze zyjemy razem itp. to na jakims tam glupim pytaniu "ulubiona potrawa meza?" odpowiem "pizza""a on powie "stek" to co przyczepia sie o cos takiego?

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Szansa na to ze traficie na Stokes interview jest bardzo niska... Zeby trafic na Stokesa gdzie sie jest rozdzielanym ( i tam dopiero zadaja takie pytania) to trzeba zasluzyc (czyli wydac sie podejrzanym na pierwszym interview). Nie wiem czy przyczepia sie o stek ale czytalem o przypadkach gdzie odpadaly pary przy jednej niepoprawnej odpowiedzi. Z tym ze to byla Nigeria, Maroko i inne siedziska wszechobecnego fraudu imigracyjnego. Serio - moim zdaniem ten temat powienien zostac usuniety, bo ludziom sie wydaje ze na kazdym interview takie pytania zadaja...

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Serio - moim zdaniem ten temat powienien zostac usuniety, bo ludziom sie wydaje ze na kazdym interview takie pytania zadaja...

Na każdym interview jest zadawana część tych pytań. Pod linkiem który podałem jest wyraźnie napisane, że jest to lista pytań zadawanych w przypadku podejrzenia o marriage fraud. Te listy mają zainteresowaym dać ogólny obraz interview. Jeżeli ktoś na podstawie tego tematu wyciągnie wniosek, że wszystkie te pytania są zadawane na każdym interview to ma poważny problem z czytaniem ze zrozumieniem.

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