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Przegladalam stare posty.Natknelam sie na temat Janaszka.Czy on rzeczywiscie nie jest adwokatem?Sprawe mojej mamy prowadzil wlasnie on,ale tak naprawde,to przypadek sprawil,ze wszystko poszlo szybko (chodzi mi o sponsorowanie).A co z Jasonem?Slyszalam o nim od znajomych i nie wiem czy warto w ogole dzwonic.

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On nie jest adwokatem i masz to wyraznie napisane w postach. On ma zwykla agencje, nie zadna kancelarie, a niektore sprawy (za drobna odplatnoscia) daje niejakiemu Elliotowi Howardowi. Zreszta zapytaj osob, ktore sa tu na Forum i mialy do czynienia z Janaszkiem. Powiedza Ci na pewno wiele wiecej na jego temat.

Ja nie moge Ci powiedziec do kogo masz dzwonic a do kogo nie, bo ja nie moge potem wziac odpowiedzialnosci za to co ktos bedzie Ci prowadzil. Sama wiesz jak jest - kazdy wiele obiecuje, z niczym nie ma sprawy itd. az zaplacisz a potem prosisz Boga zeby ktos odpowiedzial na Twoje telefony.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oszuści do więzienia?

Jak to się dzieje że pomimo że "wszyscy" dokładnie wiedzą o popełnianych przez nich oszustwach, że wielu z nich chełpi się wprost swą przestępczą działalnością, osobnicy tacy jak p. "mecenas" Janaszek, David z Filadelfii, Santos ze Spartan Group, Olszewski, Kucharski (znany na przykład z tego, że jako jedyny w historii "agent" został oficjalnie zawieszony w swej "agenturze" przez Departament Pracy, za sponsorowanie kucharki dla trupa, którego "życie" sztucznie przedłużał za pomocą sprytnych i kreatywnych dokumentów) i inni, nie znajdują się od dawna w więzieniu? Jak to jest że wszystkie te dochodzenia i śledztwa, o których słyszy się od lat, nie prowadzą do czegokolwiek konkretnego? Chcecie wiedzieć? To Wam to zdradzę.


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To jest niestety prawda, ze ludzie boja sie gdziekolwiek isc. Sama mam dziesiatki poszkodowanych dla ktorych najwazniejsze jest zeby znajomi sie nie dowiedzieli o calej sprawie, bo bedzie wstyd. Setki razy powtarzam i prosze aby sprawe zglosic i moze 20% decyduje sie wspolpracowac ze mna i zglosic sprawe gdzie nalezy. Dlatego tez tutaj oficjanie i otwarcie mowie na kogo uwazac, bo ludzie ida tam gdzie ktos im daje nadzieje - niewazne, ze to kosztuje dziesiatki tysiecy, ale "pan mecenas Janaszek cuda robi". No jesli do takich cudow zaliczaja sie deportacje (poprzedzone wczesniejsza radoscia, bo ktos mial przez rok pozwolenie na prace) to ja za takie cuda dziekuje. Sprzedawanie miejsc w kolejce (nawet jesli ktos sie nie kwalifikowal, ale to przeciez nie ma znaczenia); sprzedawanie sponsorow (to nic ze taki sponsor nie istnieje, prawda?); wypelnianie dokumentow na wize H1B w taki sposob, ze ludzie maja notorycznie odmowy, bo albo sie zawod nie kwalifikuje albo aplikant itd. itp.

Trzeba jednak uczciwie wspomniec o jednej jeszcze rzeczy: ludzie sami pakuja sie w klopoty. Nikt nikogo sila nie ciagnie do zadnego oszusta. Nikt nie wyciaga Ci z portfela pieniedzy - sam to robisz. I nie daj Boze jesli jakis uczciwy prawnik powiedzialby cos przeciwko "twojemu sponsorowaniu"! Setki razy tlumacze komus, ze taki przepis nie istnieje, na co slysze, ze chyba ja nie znam przepisu, bo pani Bednarska (nastepna "adwokatka") taki przepis zna... Tyle tylko, ze kto mnie zna (a wielu osobom z tego Forum pomagalam mimo, ze nigdy ich nawet na oczy nie widzialam) wie, ze ja jestem do bolu upierdliwa jesli chodzi o jakiekolwiek sprawy czy dokumenty i wszystko musi byc zapiete na ostatni guzik zanim cos sie wysle. Janaszek, Bednarska, Ava Norris i jej TANC company, Jed Philwin (adwokat, ktory oszukal wiele osob) i inni (moglabym tu dlugo wymieniac) biora przede wszystkim $$$. I to sie liczy. I moze cos komus zalatwili, ale 'dzieki' ich pomocy setki ludzi ma takie problemy ze w glowie sie nie miesci. Poczytajcie sami:

Dear Sir/Madam:

I hereby request that dis[beeep]linary proceedings be instituted against the suspended attorney Earl Seth David, Esq (office located at 110 Wall Street 21 Floor, New York, NY 10005) and Jed Philwin, ESQ (office located at 110 Wall Street 21 Floor, New York, NY 10005 and Bronx, NY)

The circumstances are as follows:

Seeking legal assistance with my immigration status, I scheduled an appointment with Earl David’s law office on April 05, 2001. I was eager to have certain items explained, including Section 245(i) of The Immigration and Nationality Act, which is a law that governs the admission of immigrants to the United States.

Please refer to INA § 245 for the part of the law concerning adjustment of status. The specific eligibility requirements and procedures for applying to adjust status and the penalty provision are included in the Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] at 8 CFR § 245.1, 245.2 and 245.10.

Eligibility is stated as:

Who is Eligible? (Note: This program ended April 2001.)

You are eligible if one of the reasons above prevent you from using the regular section 245 provision AND:

1. You are eligible to receive an immigrant visa and are admissible to the United States for permanent residence;

2. An immigrant visa is immediately available at the time your application is filed;

3. Your visa petition or application for labor certification that would qualify you to become an immigrant was filed on or before April 30, 2001, was approvable when filed; AND

4. If your petition or application was filed after January 14, 1998, then you must also prove that you were in the U.S. on December 21, 2000.

If eligible, you must pay the penalty fee of $1,000.

It was explained that I did qualify for this status, and that I needed to hire a lawyer who would represent me before USCIS and handle my immigration case.

1. In April 2001, I paid $3,000 to Mr. David’s office. I was told that the attorney was going to send application ETA 750 to the Department of Labor on my behalf before April 30, 2001.

2. The attorney also provided an employment sponsor for me: XXXX located in NY XXXX. I was to be sponsored as a car mechanic (Exhibit #1).

3. The documents were sent to the Department of Labor on February 28, 2002 (!). This was eleven months after I hired this lawyer and paid for services. By this time, I was not eligible to obtain a Lawful Permanent Resident Card because I was not covered/”grandfathered” by section 245(i).

4. Mr. Earl, as well as his assistant Mr. Grynsztejn, told me to be patient, and they promised that I would receive a Permit for Work and a Lawful Permanent Card as soon as possible.

5. On July 9, 2004 Mr. Earl was suspended for 15 months by the EOI. Mr. Earl’s license is also currently suspended by the New York State Bar Association. He has never informed me in any form that he was suspended.

6. In 2006, I met with an honest lawyer, who explained to me in great detail that I am not eligible to receive a Lawful Permanent Resident Card because my petition was sent too late and, moreover, my status is that of deportable. After this lawyer researched the provided company of sponsorship, it was found that this company does not exist.

7. In May 2004, before I found out that I was apparently a victim of legal misrepresentation/fraud, I was told by Mr. David’s office that my case had been transferred to another lawyer Jed Philwin, Esq..

8. After contacting Jed Philwin and his assistant, they told me that they had a way to expedite my case. They said that it was legal to change my sponsor and obtain a labor certification that belonged to another client who allegedly resigned. They referred to this practice as ‘substitution’. They assured me that this practice was done often, and that this was within the law. Their price for this ‘service’ would be $18,000. I was to pay $14,000 immediately and then $4,000 more after I received my Work Permit (Exhibit #2).

9. I received a Work Permit and I paid the additional $4,000. My wife was also included to the case. We were fingerprinted in Newark, NJ.

10. On March 13, 2006 we received a letter from USCIS that stated very clearly that our case was denied.

11. I made many attempts to contact Mr. Philwin and Mr. Grynsztejn. Neither Mr. Philwin nor his staff answered or returned my calls.

12. I finally went to Mr. Philwin’s office. His secretary, after conversation with Mr. David and Mr. Philwin, opened a PERM case (filled out electronically ETA 9089) for my wife and myself. I did not know the law, and it was not explained to me that PERM is a long process requiring a prevailing wage, newspaper’s ads and much more.

13. A few days after the PERM was filed, Mr. Philwin called us and asked us to come to his office in Bronx, NY. During the conversation with him, he promised us that everything was going just fine and the case would be approved quickly. After this meeting, we went to seek the advice of another immigration attorney. We were told that it was impossible to obtain any benefits from USCIS because we were not eligible for them.

14. I called Mr. Philwin and demanded that all payments be refund in full. I complained that he not only failed to provide adequate services but also seriously damaged my status in the USA.

15. Mr. Philwin’s response was that he did not receive payments from me. He said that Mr. Earl David and Mr.Grynsztajn handled the payments. Mr. Philwin then stated that he does not know Mr. Grynsztajn. I paid for all services by check, and they were made out to the order of Mr. Philwin. Mr. Philwin signed and cashed my checks.

16. I called Mr. Philwin and stated that I was going to contact the U.S. District Attorney’s Office as well as the New York Bar Association and submit formal complaints about his behavior. Mr. Philwin invited me to his office to discus this matter. When I met with Mr. Philwin, he asked if I paid by cash or by check. At this meeting, I saw that Mr. Philwin had my file with all documents in his possession. Since Mr. Philwin was now claiming to not have had any involvement in my case, I asked him how it was possible for him to have my file in his office. His response: ‘someone dropped your file in my office, so I looked into the documents’.

17. Evidence that Mr. Philwin received all documents is included in the addresses on the correspondence from USCIS in this matter (Exhibit #3).

18. I paid total of $21,000. $3,000 to Mr. David Earl and $18, 000 to Mr. Philwin. I lost my status, my eligibility to be legal in this country and $21,000.

19. After I spoke to several other attorneys they advised me to contact your office and submit a formal complaint against attorneys David S. Earl and Jed Philwin.

20. I spoke to several clients of Mr. Philwin and Mr. David. Not one of them had obtained a Lawful Permanent Card. All cases have been denied. The charges for this ‘service’ were similar to my charges.

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Proponowałem kiedyś na forum, aby założyć temat który przestawiałby wszystkie oszustwa i naciąganie klientów przez polskie agencje i pseudoadwokatów, ku przestrodze innym. Sam kiedys miałem przypadek, że poszedłem do pewnej polskiej agencji na Greenpoint w NYC, po poradę. Włosy na głowie mi dęba staneły jak usłyszałem to, co mówi pewna pseudoadwokatka. Choć sam nie jestem prawnikiem to wiedziałem, że wciska mi taki kit, że aż szkoda. Mijała się z prawdą i stanem faktycznym co drugie słowo. Na szczęście wiedziałem o tym, i nie dałem się naciągnąć na to co próbowała mi wcisnąć.

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  • 4 months later...

Pan? Od szabelek? Hm... no jak znam zycie i siebie to jestem kobieta, a poniewaz wiekszosc osob z tego Forum rozmawiala ze mna to oni tez moga potwierdzic, ze jestem kobieta... :) Niektorzy widzieli mnie nawetna wlasne oczy... Jak slowo daje raczej nie widzialam facetow z biustem takim jak moj... ;) ale moze sie myle? :lol:

A te szabelki to co to?

za wyrazenie 'styl literacki' masz u mnie plusa :P

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