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Jaki zawód najlepszy dla sponsorowania przez pracodawce?


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Ale wedlug mnie to takie cos to bezsens.Nie podwazam tu Twojej wiedzy ale zastanawiam sie jak pracodawca moze sponsorowac kogos do pracy wiedzac ze ten ktos bedzie mogl pracowac dopiero zza 5 lat.Przeciez ta firma w ciagu 5 lat to moze np zbankrutowac.

Dlatego masz potem mozliwosc zmiany pracodawcy. Nikt nie da Ci Green Card w ciagu roku tylko dlatego, ze pracodawca potrzebuje Cie do pracy. Kazdy wie, ze bedac sponsorowanym w EB1, EB2 masz mozliwosc podjecia pracy po 6 miesiacach, ale nie w EB3, z prostego powodu - nie masz pozwolenia na prace. A poniewaz nie podleasz pod 245(i) wiec nielegalna praca nie bedzie ci 'przebaczona' a bylaby tylko powodem do odmowy Zielonej Karty.

Co do czasu sponsorowania.. teraz jest tak samo - ludzie, ktorzy skladali dokumenty do Departamentu Pracy w kwietniu 2001 roku dopiero (po zatwierdzeniu Deaprtamentu Parcy) skladaja dokumenty do immigration. Tyle tylko, ze oni chocby nielegalnie ale moga tu przebywac oraz pracowac, bo sekcja 245(i) im to wybacza.

Problem jest jeden: ILOSC wiz imigracyjnych (green card) wydawanych co roku. Wiz jest wydawanych okreslona ilosc, a ubiega sie o te wizy 3, 4 razy wiecej osob. Poniewaz te osoby nie podlegaja pod kategorie IR, wiec musza czekac w kolejce, ktora jest dluga.

Nie wiem gdzie czytales w internecie, nie wiem gdzie slyszalse w radio, ale to co mowisz czyli podjecie pracy po 6 miesiacach dla kategorii EB3 jest niemozliwe. Owszem mozesz podjac prace po 6 miesiacch od zlozenia dokumentow do immigration. Ale najpierw czekaj te 5 lat aby w ogole dokumenty tam zlozyc. Badz tez nie zrozumiales kogos dobrze: te 6 miesiecy dla EB3 to czas kiedy mozesz dostac labor certification ale nie pozwolenie na prace (cytat miales juz we wczsniejszym poscie).

Poczytaj sobie na stronach bardziej wiarygodnych badz umow sie na konsulatcje do prawnika, ktory ci wytlumaczy jak to jest.

Tu nie chodzi o podawazanie czyjejs wiedzy (w tym wypadku mojej), bo ja mam nowych spraw o sponsorowanie ponad 50 tygodniowo, wlacznie z naprawde znanymi i duzymi firmami, ktore sponsoruja po 200 osob. Tak wiec wydaje mi sie, ze znam sie na tym. Tu chodzi o to co ktos ci powiedzial i czy to co pwiedzial jest prawda.

Co do gazet polskich to moze przemilczmy to...

Gdybys byl sponsorowany w kategorii EB2 to rozmowa bylaby calkiem inna. I wtedy owszem, bylaby mozliwosc abys zaczal prace w ciagu 6-9 miesiecy juz z EAD w rece.

Owszem byla taka mozliwsc (teoretycznie) w maju i czerwcu aby od razu zlozyc dokumenty do immigration po przejsciu Departamentu Pracy (bo wtedy EB3 w Visa bulletin mialo status current), ale teraz juz tego nie ma, jest natomiast retrogression do roku 2001.

A tu kilka cytatow:

What is a preference category?

Under U.S. laws, there are five preference categories in which an employment-based immigrant is eligible for assignment. Statutory quotas limit the number of people who can immigrate each year depending both on the preference category in which the person is classified, and the person’s country of birth. The vast majority of employment-based immigrants fall into either the second preference (EB2) or the third preference (EB3) category.

What is the difference between EB2 and EB3?

Generally, EB2 classification is for people who will work in jobs that require someone with either an advanced degree (for example, a master’s degree or Ph.D.) or its equivalent (i.e., a bachelor’s degree plus at least five years of “progressive” experience). EB3 is for people whose jobs don’t require such education or expertise. Classification is determined not by what education and experience the person actually has, but by what education and experience is necessary for the person’s job as set forth in the labor certification.  

If an employee has to wait to immigrate /get Green Card, how is the length of the wait calculated?

The employee must wait until his or her “priority date” is current before he or she will be allowed to begin the third step of the immigration process. The priority date is the date the employee’s labor certification application was originally filed (generally, the date the application was received by the state employment security agency).

Every month, the U.S. Department of State tracks the number of people who immigrate from all countries in each preference category (or adjust status in the US). Based on those numbers, it designates certain priority dates for each category as current, and people holding these or older priority dates are eligible to move to the third step of the immigration process.  

Chat User : July Visa Bulletin shows unavailability of 3rd category employment visas for all countries. Even though it is expected, I feel it like a big blow to actually have this happen. Do you see any ray of hope to this problem, particularly for EB3s from India and China?

Attorney: Well, as you mention, it was to be expected to some degree, though total unavailability is still a big unpleasant piece of news. The Department of State had forewarned us of the likelihood of some sort of retrogression. The 50,000 Schedule A numbers only help Schedule A workers, but all other EB3 numbers will move slowly. Now everyone in EB3 will suffer like Indians and Chinese! It is expected that, in a few months, EB2 will also retrogress for India and China and possibly EB1 for Indians down the road. Ultimately, the faster PERM process may do nothing to help one obtain the GC any faster, since people will have to wait for several months or years after the LC and I-140 approval to file their I-485s, and so there will be a much reduced version, if at all, of the I-485 portability benefits either under AC21, which requires that the person’s I-485 be pending at least 180 days to enjoy portability.

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Q: What are the difference between EB-2 and EB-3?

A. EB-2 refers to the 2 nd preference of employment based immigration petition. A position that requires a minimum a Master’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree plus five years of experience may qualify for an EB-2 category. A position that requires a minimum a Bachelor’s degree or two years of experience falls in EB-3 category. In adjustment of status or consular processing, EB-2 and EB-3 visa availability may be different. As of February 2005, EB-3 has around three years backlog of visa availability while EB-2 visa is current available.

Q. What is the visa availability?

A. In the US employment-based immigration petition system, each immigrant category has a certain quota of visas for each country on annual basis. If a visa number in one category for a certain country has been used up, aliens born in that country may have to wait for visa availability.

Q: How do I estimate the waiting period for visa quota?

The time between your priority date and the cut off date issued by Department of State is generally the period of time that you are expect to file adjustment of status or consular processing from the date you submit PERM LC.

Q: What is my priority date?

A: In green card processing through PERM LC, your priority date is the date when the PERM petition is received by the DOL.

Q: What is the cut off date?

Cut off date is a date issued by the Department of State each month to notify the visa availability.


Mr. Wang is Chinese and he is also a beneficiary of a PERM labor certification that is filed in March 28, 2005 and the petition position requires a bachelor’s degree (EB-3). So, Mr. Wang’s priority date is March 28, 2005. Assuming his PERM LC is approved on May 28, 2005. In May, the DOL published cut off date shows that EB-3 category for Chinese born alien is 01/01/2003. Therefore, Mr. Wang will not able to file I-485 application though his employer may file I-140 for him. Mr. Wang cannot file I-485 until the DOS published cut off date reaches March 28, 2005.

Czyli widzisz, ze w tym wypadku Mr. Wang musialby czekac az w Visa Bulletin pokaze sie data 28 marca 2005. Wtedy moze zlozyc dokumenty o adjustment (I-485). Samo zlozenie I-140 nie daje Ci prawa do podjecia pracy. Do podjecia pracy musisz miec EAD, a o to mozesz skladac dopiero z I-485. I w tym caly problem - bo gdybys nawet na Green Card czekal 5 lat, ale mial pozwolenie na prace w ciagu pol roku to juz by bylo inaczej.

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Q: What is the difference between a Labor Certification and a Work Permit?

A: A Work Permit or Employment Authorization Document (EAD) is a document that the USCIS issues to aliens stating that they are eligible to work on a temporary basis within the U.S. In contrast, a Labor Certification does not give the alien authorization to work within the U.S. Rather, a Labor Certification is the first step that allows the employer Company to file an immigration petition on the alien's behalf.

Q: Who can obtain a Green Card without Labor Certification?

A: Family-based immigration cases DO NOT require Labor Certifications. In addition, Aliens who qualify as either: Aliens with Extraordinary Ability, Outstanding Researchers or Professors, or Multinational Corporation executives or managerial transferees), National Interest Waiver candidates, Immigrant Investors, or some pre-certified occupations (such as registered nurses) do not need a Labor Certification for their Green Card application.

Q: Does an approved Labor Certification allow me the legal right to work within the U.S.?

A: No. An approved Labor Certification only allows your employer to file an EB-2 or EB-3 category immigration petition on your behalf.

Q: Does an approved PERM Labor Certification provide me legal status within the U. S.?

A: No.

Mam nadzieje, ze teraz wszystko jest jasne. I ze masz potwierdzenie moich wczesniejszych slow.

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Q19     1. With respect to EB3 retrogression can we still apply     140 & 485 together?

2. Can we get EAD / Advance parole without applying for 140?

A19     1. Not until your priority dates are current. If not current, you may apply only I-140.

2. No. Not without applying for I-485

Q: If I filed a green card application (I-140 and I-485) before the backlogs took effect October 1, 2005, will I get a green card more quickly?

A: No. You will still wait up to 6 years depending on your filing category for green card approval. However, since your I-485 is already pending, you enjoy two advantages: 1) EAD or work permit eligibility during the pendency of the I-485; and 2) portability of your green card application once the I-485 has been pending for more than 180 days.

W powyzszym przykladzie masz odpowiedz dla osob, ktore juz przeszly przez Departament Pracy i zlozyly dokumenty (concurrent filling) do immigration przed pazdziernikiem 2005 (wtedy nastapilo zatrzymanie wszystkiego czyli backlog). Popatrz - ta osoba juz zlozyla wszystko, ma juz Labor Certification i jeszcze ma czas oczekiwania DO 6 lat.

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Karina to jak bys mogla to odpowiedz mi na takie pytanie.Zalozmy ze ktos rozpoczal proces sponsorowania przez prace w grudniu 2004 roku jako malarz.Napisz mi, jak mozesz kiedy ta osoba moze sie spodziewac:

-mozkiwosci pracy w firmie ktora go sponsoruje

-otrzymania zielonej karty

Oczywiscie osoba ta zalozmy jest caly czas legalnie wiec nie musi czekac na jakies ustawy.Jest na F1 lub F2.

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Mam do Ciebie Karino kilka pytan. W kwietniu rozpoczynam starania o wize pracownicza H1B. Pracodawca chce mnie zatrudnic na etacie informatyka. Ponadto wyrazil rowniez chec sponsorowania mnie na zielona karte.

I tu mam do Ciebie pytanie: ile to moze trwac i jak to wyglada? To znaczy czy bedac juz na wizie h1b i pracujac trzeba znowu przechodzic taki skomplikowany i dlugotrwaly proces o jakim tu wlasnie dyskutujecie, czyli otrzymac labor certification i pozniej czekac 4 albo 5 lat na zlozenie dokumentow do immigration? Czy moze posiadajac h1b ta procedura jest juz szybsza i latwiejsza?

Jesli mozesz to odpowiedz prosze na te nurtujace mnie pytania.


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Z tego co czytam to nie tak latwo z tym PERMem. Moze lepiej byloby starac sie o H-1b. Ale jak podciagnac wyksztalcenie prawnicze i podyplomowe studium managerskie do pracy na construction. Narazie bede musial sie chyba trzymac F-1. Moze komus sie juz cos takiego udalo i wize H-1b otrzymal?

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