karina Napisano 14 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 14 Stycznia 2006 Przeciez to chodzi o Australie z tego co czytam - to gdzie Ty chcesz jechac?
Jackie Napisano 14 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 14 Stycznia 2006 Przeciez to chodzi o Australie z tego co czytam - to gdzie Ty chcesz jechac? Kalifornia jest teraz w Australii??? :shock:
karina Napisano 14 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 14 Stycznia 2006 Employment Information OverviewThis is a basic overview of options that F-1 students have for employment in the U.S. "Employment" is any type of work performed or services provided in exchange for money, tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, food or any other benefit. If you receive no pay or other benefit for work performed, this activity is not defined as "employment" but is considered to be "volunteer work". Planning is essential: some options, such as Economic Need Employment or Optional Practical Training, require applications to be completed and mailed to USCIS, which may take up to three months to process. On-Campus Employment If you are an F-1 student, you are eligible to work on-campus as long as you meet the following eligibility criteria: You must be a full-time student /degree program/ You must have a valid SEVIS I-20 from Lehigh You must have a valid, unexpired passport You must have an I-94 card that is marked "F-1 D/S" You must have a valid job offer from campus Transfer F-1 students may begin to work on-campus at XX once their transfer from the other U.S. institution is completed and have received their I-20 from XX. New incoming F-1 students also may begin to work on-campus as long as it is within the thirty days of the beginning date of their academic program. Off-Campus Employment Options F-1 Economic Need Employment - for students who have suffered unexpected and unforeseen economic hardship due to circumstances beyond their control F-1 Curricular Practical Training - for students with fieldwork requirements; internship electives built into the curriculum of their programs or if the job is considered an integral part of your program. F-1 Optional Practical Training (Pre-Completion) - for students interested in pursuing employment experience in their field of study before completing their studies. F-1 Optional Practical Training (Post-Completion) - for students interested in pursuing employment in their field of study following completion of studies. F-1 students MAY NOT accept any employment offer that does not meet, and has not been approved for, one of the above classifications. Off-campus employment of any kind cannot be pursued without the prior written authorization of either the OISS and/or USCIS. Engaging in employment without authorization is considered a serious violation of immigration regulations.
karina Napisano 14 Stycznia 2006 Zgłoś Napisano 14 Stycznia 2006 "Witam,Szczegoly dotyczace bogatej oferty programow wyjazdowych do Stanow Zjednoczonych w zalaczniku, prosze wybrac program ktory pania/pana interesuje. W razie pytan sluzymy pomoca:) Polecam wize F-1 NO JA TO BYM Z TAKIEJ "POMOCY" NIE SKORZYSTALA, GDZIE KTOS SAM NIE WIE O CZYM PISZE. A TAK A PROPOS TO JAK SIE TA FIRMA NAZYWA? W tej chwili mam bardzo dobrze platne oferty pracy dla dziewczyn w Californii. Opieka nad dziecmi - 5 dni w tyg od 8-18.30, zarobki od 1800-2400$ msc + gratis zakwaterowanie w pok 1 osobowym + gratis 3 posilki dziennie.Warunek to solidne podstawy angielskiego. I MAJAC WIZE F MASZ BYC FULL TIME STUDENT - TO KIEDY TY NIBY MASZ DO TEJ SZKOLY CHODZIC? I JESZCZE SAMI CI PRACE ZNAJDUJA.. W ZYCIU NIE SLYSZALAM - JAK LATA JUZ PRACUJE W SWOIM ZAWODZIE - ABY KTOS NA WIZIE F MIAL PRAKTYKE ZAWODOWA W POSTACI BAWIENIA DZIECI, MALOWANIA DOMOW, SPRZATANIA DOMOW ITD. Praca w przy sprzataniu domow ( cleaning ) lub przy malowaniu domow Zarobki ok 2000$ msc. Odbieramy z lotniska, pomagamy w znalezieniu zakwaterowania. Praca przy malowaniu domow w Californii, zarobki 1700$-2400$" To jest informacja z tegoz biura. A mi chodzi o wize na ktorej moglabym pracowac....lub tez w dalszym ciagu prowadzic swoja firme, no i najwazniejsze by mogly ze mna jechac moje dzieci, a takze bym pomogla po odpowiednim czasie starac sie o " zielona karte".
Tess Napisano 14 Stycznia 2006 Autor Zgłoś Napisano 14 Stycznia 2006 Po sprawdzeniu wszelkich odnosnikow do nazwy firmy "International Communication Plaza" poniewaz tak sie tytuluja, znalazlam tylko link do I.C.P ale to raczej nie jest to bo jak zauwazyliscie California to raczej w Australii nie lezy :evil: ...... I nadal pozostalam z pytaniem jak to najlepiej zorganizowac......
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