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"withdrawals are not included in nonimmigrant admission data"- co to dokladnie oznacza i jakie sa konsekwencje przy wjezdzie do usa.


jezeli ktos dobrze zna sie na prawie imigracyjnym i moglby pomoc bardzo prosze :sciana:

Moglabys cos wiecej napisac, bo ciezko jest to rozszyfrowac tylko z jednego zdania.

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juz myslalam ze nikt sie nie odezwie, dzieki cavscout!

tak postaram sie dokladniej wyjasnic. chodzi mi o sytuacje kiedy osoba majaca promese B1/B2 nie zostala wpuszczona na teren usa. wiza zostala CANCELLED i APPLICATION WITHDRAWN.

znalazlam cos takiego: "An arriving alien`s voluntary rectraction of an application for admission to the U.S. in lieu of a removal hearing before an immigration judge or an expedited removal. Withdrawals are not included in nonimmigrant admission data."

i teraz pytanie co mozna z takim czyms zrobic? :?: :?: :?:

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juz myslalam ze nikt sie nie odezwie, dzieki cavscout!

tak postaram sie dokladniej wyjasnic. chodzi mi o sytuacje kiedy osoba majaca promese B1/B2 nie zostala wpuszczona na teren usa. wiza zostala CANCELLED  i APPLICATION WITHDRAWN.  

znalazlam cos takiego: "An arriving alien`s voluntary rectraction of an application for admission to the U.S. in lieu of a removal hearing before an immigration judge or an expedited removal. Withdrawals are not included in nonimmigrant admission data."

i teraz pytanie co mozna z takim czyms zrobic? :?:  :?:  :?:

Dla mnie to czarna magia. Z tego co rozumuje, tutaj chodzi o to ze jezeli osoba wycofa aplikacje o admisje do USA, to te wycofanie nie bedzie zapisane w systemie admisji dla nieimigranta. Nie mam pojecia o co w tym chodzi, bo pewnie jest jeszcze do tego cos wiecej.

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If a person is not admitted at the port of entry, it's known as summary exclusion. The BCP officer has the discretion to summarily exclude an applicant for entry.

A person who has been summarily excluded is barred from requesting entry to the United States for a period of five years. Sometimes, a BCP officer will allow an individual to withdraw their application for entry, and return to their country of origin voluntarily.

In the case of a withdrawal of an application for entry...the allowance of which is again at the BCP officer's discretion...means that the five year bar against reentry is not applicable.

Given that someone who has been summarily excluded has not been admitted to the United States, they have no legal recourse...therefore, no necessity to call a lawyer.

to znalazlam na innym forum i niejako wynika stad ze osoba taka nie ma zakazu wjazdu do usa na 5 lat. jednak powodem odmowienia wjazdu byl jakis paragraf ,

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If a person is not admitted at the port of entry, it's known as summary exclusion. The BCP officer has the discretion to summarily exclude an applicant for entry.  

A person who has been summarily excluded is barred from requesting entry to the United States for a period of five years. Sometimes, a BCP officer will allow an individual to withdraw their application for entry, and return to their country of origin voluntarily.  

In the case of a withdrawal of an application for entry...the allowance of which is again at the BCP officer's discretion...means that the five year bar against reentry is not applicable.

Given that someone who has been summarily excluded has not been admitted to the United States, they have no legal recourse...therefore, no necessity to call a lawyer.  

to znalazlam na innym forum i niejako wynika stad ze osoba taka nie ma zakazu wjazdu do usa na 5 lat. jednak powodem odmowienia wjazdu byl jakis paragraf ,

To z tego wynika, ze jak na granicy oficer zawroci kogos to ta osoba nie ma prawa wjazdu przez 5 lat, ale czasami oficer moze dac opcje zeby wrocic, to wtedy te 5 lat nie obowiazuje.

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juz myslalam ze nikt sie nie odezwie, dzieki cavscout!

tak postaram sie dokladniej wyjasnic. chodzi mi o sytuacje kiedy osoba majaca promese B1/B2 nie zostala wpuszczona na teren usa. wiza zostala CANCELLED  i APPLICATION WITHDRAWN.  

znalazlam cos takiego: "An arriving alien`s voluntary rectraction of an application for admission to the U.S. in lieu of a removal hearing before an immigration judge or an expedited removal. Withdrawals are not included in nonimmigrant admission data."

i teraz pytanie co mozna z takim czyms zrobic? :?:  :?:  :?:

Zalezy czy ta osoba byla tylko not admitted czy miala tez in lieu of removal/deportation - to sa 2 rozne rzeczy. Jesli miala i/l/o/r wtedy ma zakaz wlotu na 5 lat i musi skladac aplikacje do Attorney General aby moc wleciec do USA.

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If a person is not admitted at the port of entry, it's known as summary exclusion. The BCP officer has the discretion to summarily exclude an applicant for entry.  

A person who has been summarily excluded is barred from requesting entry to the United States for a period of five years. Sometimes, a BCP officer will allow an individual to withdraw their application for entry, and return to their country of origin voluntarily.  

In the case of a withdrawal of an application for entry...the allowance of which is again at the BCP officer's discretion...means that the five year bar against reentry is not applicable.

Given that someone who has been summarily excluded has not been admitted to the United States, they have no legal recourse...therefore, no necessity to call a lawyer.  

to znalazlam na innym forum i niejako wynika stad ze osoba taka nie ma zakazu wjazdu do usa na 5 lat. jednak powodem odmowienia wjazdu byl jakis paragraf ,

To z tego wynika, ze jak na granicy oficer zawroci kogos to ta osoba nie ma prawa wjazdu przez 5 lat, ale czasami oficer moze dac opcje zeby wrocic, to wtedy te 5 lat nie obowiazuje.

Dokladnie tak. Trzeba by wyjasnic cala procedure dokladnie aby wiedziec do czego odnosza sie te slowa.

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