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Wymiana Studencka

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mozesz i na samochod zrobic majac do tego numer SSN :)

SSN nie bedzie pewnie potrzebowal. Potrzebuje legalny pobyt, zeby dostac prawko. Szkoly przewaznie wystawiaja listy do DMV plus wlpeka w paszporcie plus DS-2019 czy I-20 w zaleznosci od wizy.

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Czyli jezeli przyjade do stanów na wizie J1, to jakie kroki mam wykonać zeby móc podejść do egzaminu na prawo jazdy ? I ile ono bedzie wazne?

Napisalem Ci. Paszport, wiza, DS i ewentualnie list ze szkoly. Bedzie wazne na czas DS-a. To jest generalna zasada i proponuje spytac w szkole po przylocie i/lub miejscowym DMV.

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Czy to prawda, ze po zakonczeniu wymiany, nie bede mogl powrocic do USA przez nastepne 2 lata?

Zalezy. Bedziesz mial to zaznaczone w DS i na wizie.

Those in J-1 status (and their J-2 dependents) can become subject if any of the following apply to the J-1 program:

1) If the J-1 receives funding from the U.S. government, home government or an international organization to use for the J-1 program.

2) If the J-1 worked or studied in a field that appears on the "skills list." This is a list of fields of specialized knowledge and skills that are needed in the J-1's country of last permanent residence for its development. Canada, Australia and Germany are examples of countries that are not on the list. China, India and South Korea are examples of countries that have many skills on the list.

3) If the J-1 participated in a graduate medical training program in the United States under the sponsorship of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates.

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