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hmmm mysle jednak ze U.S. Army sposoruje do zielonej korty... oto email od nich...

I regret to inform you that unless you are a U.S. citizen, U.S. National

or a legal resident alien of the U.S., you are not qualified to enlist

in the United States Army. Any office of the U.S. Citizenship and

Immigration Service can provide information concerning entry as a

resident alien. Their home page is:

http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis Their number is 1-800-375-5283

(inside the U.S. only). Army regulations prohibit us from assisting or

sponsoring you into the United States. Once you have obtained an I-551

(green card) you can begin the process for enlistment.

You must be 17 years old but have not reached 42 years old prior to

enlistment into the Regular Army or Army Reserve. If you are 40 years

old and have not reached your 42nd birthday, you must have a over 40

medical physical completed prior to enlistment. All prior service

applicants must be able to retire by the age of 62. Must be a U.S.

citizen or resident alien, (must have the I-551) have a high school

diploma or equivalent, be single with no children or married with 2 or

less children, pass the ASVAB test and the medical physical. You cannot

be undergoing any civil actions; certain law violations will disqualify




tylko wlasnie niewiem jak sie do tego zabrac...:/

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