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Dv 2013 - Co Po 1 Maja 2012?pytania,odpowiedzi


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Szybkie pytanie,

czy świadectwa niekaralności w poprzednich latach trzeba było wysłać do Kentucky czy zabrać ze sobą na rozmowę do konsula?

To pytanie juz widzialem kilka razy na tym forum i z poprzednich odpowiedzi wynika, ze swiadectwo bierzesz ze soba na spotkanie a do Kentucky wyslac wypelnione formularze z deklaracja potwierdzajaca status ze swiadectwa o niekaralnosci... Moge sie mylic - Sly to zweryfikuje... Pozdro.

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ekhm, ekhm .... :

You are among those randomly selected for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year 2013 (October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 ). Selection does not guarantee that you will receive a visa because the number of applicants selected is greater than the number of visas available. Please retain this letter and take it with you to your visa interview.

Approximately 100,000 individuals were registered for further processing. Therefore, it is most important that you carefully follow instructions to increase your chances of possible visa issuance. You must visit the Department of State website at where you will find instructions for completing the required processing steps.

Please be advised that your case may not be scheduled for an interview appointment until a visa number is available. You will only be contacted by the Kentucky Consular Center when a visa appointment is scheduled.

If it should be necessary to contact the Kentucky Consular Center, you must always refer to your name and case number as they appear below. Your case number should be clearly written in the upper right hand corner of all documents and correspondence sent to the Kentucky Consular Center.

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ekhm, ekhm .... :

You are among those randomly selected for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year 2013 (October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 ). Selection does not guarantee that you will receive a visa because the number of applicants selected is greater than the number of visas available. Please retain this letter and take it with you to your visa interview.

Approximately 100,000 individuals were registered for further processing. Therefore, it is most important that you carefully follow instructions to increase your chances of possible visa issuance. You must visit the Department of State website at where you will find instructions for completing the required processing steps.

Please be advised that your case may not be scheduled for an interview appointment until a visa number is available. You will only be contacted by the Kentucky Consular Center when a visa appointment is scheduled.

If it should be necessary to contact the Kentucky Consular Center, you must always refer to your name and case number as they appear below. Your case number should be clearly written in the upper right hand corner of all documents and correspondence sent to the Kentucky Consular Center.

O! Kolejne Gratulacje ;-D

No i już wiemy, że nie czekamy na przesyłkę tylko sami wypełniamy wszystkie dokumenty i je wysyłamy.

Uważąj, żebyś nie zakleiła znaczkami swojego CASE NUMBER - ponieważ u nas w tym miejscu nakleja się znaczki zwyczajowo a poczta przybija swoje stemple dzienne.

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Mojej żonie też się udało. Ja nie mogę się zalogować aby sprawdzić.

You are among those randomly selected for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year 2013 (October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 ). Selection does not guarantee that you will receive a visa because the number of applicants selected is greater than the number of visas available. Please retain this letter and take it with you to your visa interview.

Approximately 100,000 individuals were registered for further processing. Therefore, it is most important that you carefully follow instructions to increase your chances of possible visa issuance. You must visit the Department of State website at where you will find instructions for completing the required processing steps.

Please be advised that your case may not be scheduled for an interview appointment until a visa number is available. You will only be contacted by the Kentucky Consular Center when a visa appointment is scheduled.

If it should be necessary to contact the Kentucky Consular Center, you must always refer to your name and case number as they appear below. Your case number should be clearly written in the upper right hand corner of all documents and correspondence sent to the Kentucky Consular Center.

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Dear JUSTYNA M....

You are among those randomly selected for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year 2013 (October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 ). Selection does not guarantee that you will receive a visa because the number of applicants selected is greater than the number of visas available. Please retain this letter and take it with you to your visa interview.

Approximately 100,000 individuals were registered for further processing. Therefore, it is most important that you carefully follow instructions to increase your chances of possible visa issuance. You must visit the Department of State website at where you will find instructions for completing the required processing steps.

Please be advised that your case may not be scheduled for an interview appointment until a visa number is available. You will only be contacted by the Kentucky Consular Center when a visa appointment is scheduled.

If it should be necessary to contact the Kentucky Consular Center, you must always refer to your name and case number as they appear below. Your case number should be clearly written in the upper right hand corner of all documents and correspondence sent to the Kentucky Consular Center."

seriously?! tzn, ze mam szanse??

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Ok, pierwsze emocje juz minely, choc szok jest nadal. Teraz pojawiaja sie pytania i watpliwosci. jestem obecnie w usa, w procesie zmiany statusu na studencki (po au pair). Nadal czekam na odpowiedz z uscis. Wiem, ze jesli zmiana statusu zostanie zaakceptowana to przechodze wowczas na adjustment of status i moge wszystko zalatwiac w usa. Jesli natomiast mi odmowia, musze wracac do pl (jaki okres czasu mam na powrot?) i co wtedy. Czy fakt, ze probowalam zmienic status zmniejsza moje szanse na gc? I jeszcze jedno, czy jesli case number jest "niski" to cos oznacza?

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mysle ze to dobry znak jak jest niski

Zależy co się rozumie pod pojęciem "niski numer". W każdym roku granica odcięcia przebiegała różnie. Generalnie, im numer bliższy 1 tym większa szansa, że po pozytywnej weryfikacji przesłanej dokumentacji, aplikant zostanie zaproszony na rozmowę. O procedowanych numerach można dowiedzieć się z Visa Bulletin.

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