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Ja trochę podróżowałem po europie ale nie za dużo i troche po USA i to co mnie tam ciągnie to jakis taki styl życia co mi pasuje coś czego nie bardzo da sie określic- oczywiście wiem wiem po jakims czasie się tym znudze jak każdy pewnie...

z doswiadczenia -swojego i wielu bliskich znajomych- to wlasnie ten styl zycia i to nieokreslone 'cos' stanowia najwiekszy magnes i nawet po latach sie nie nudza. a jak czlowiekowi sie wydaje, ze jednak powoli powszednieja, to wystarczy krotka wizyta w pl, a powrot za ocean ze lzami radosci gwarantowany..

i zgadzam sie zupelnie, ze jezeli kwestie tylko czysto finansowe mialyby zawazyc na decyzji o emigracji do stanow, to lepiej juz zahaczyc sie gdzies blizej, w europie.

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kazdy szuka swojego miejsca na ziemi i kazdy ma w tym racje

ale jesli ktos slucha ze tam jest lepiej,ze tam bedzie ok to nie znaczy ze tak bedzie

To tak jak za usmiech i pomoc dostanie sie to samo

oczywiscie ze tak ale nie zawsze tak sie dzieje i bedzie ...usmiech moze i sie dostanie ale pomoc?to juz inna bajka

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Kolega powyzej chyba troche przesadza, albo desperacja odbiera zdolnosc rozumowania. To tylko losowanie, a nie czekanie na decyzje o pacyfikacji calej wsi. Relax, no stress:)

Zaraz sie posikam.

Zaraz sie posikam.

A wiadomo, ze jak popuszcze to potem tylko po kropelce i wcierac.

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Tak jakby oficjalnnie na temat dodatkowego losowania: (źródło)

QUESTION: And one unrelated question: There was a notation on the DV website that the DV-2013 entrants should keep their confirmation numbers, as it is possible that more entries may be selected, October 1st – which is today – 2012, at noon as we speak. So can you comment on that?

MS. KING: For DV-2013?


MS. KING: Okay. Yeah. If there are not enough qualified entrants – we always – we select more winners than the 50,000, because we know that not everybody is going to qualify, not everybody is even going to pursue the visa. And we hope that we select enough more that we get about what we need. But if we get to a point where we think we may not meet the 50,000, then we will go back and again randomly select more.

W domyśle KCC też odrzuca wnioski, i chyba można się domyslać że będzie dodatkowe losowanie, wtedy kiedy będzie mały odzew ludzi ubiegających się o wizę.

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Pewnie czytacie angielskie fora, a tam znalazłem takie coś;

Converstation between myself and KCC lady

October 19th, 2012

Me: Is there going to be another selection on 22nd of October?

KCC lady: Yes, sir. There may by another selection.

Me: Ok ma'am, suppose on 22nd of October a selection does happen, how can we know if another selection has happened on 22nd October?

KCC lady: You can check your status online through your confirmation number, or you could contact us.

Me: Ok ma'am, suppose if I call you on 23rd of October, would it be possible for you to tell me whether another selection has been carried out or not?

KCC lady: Ok, wait for a moment sir. After 2 minutes, I think she was reading something, or asking someone something, no idea. Thanks for holding sir, yes sir, if you contact us at that time, we may be able to give you further information.

Me: Thank you for your time, good bye.

KCC lady: Good bye.

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nie czytałem tego akurat ale czytam o tych zdjeciach Ziggy i wychodzi na to że, kilka osób zdobyło GC po mimo, że złozyli zdjęcia z poprzednich lat, czyli wychodzi na to że KCC nie sprawdza czy zdjęcie było składane w poprzednich loteriach... jedna kobieta nawet to samo zdjecia przez kilka lat składała..tu wpis

Oh I just remember that I read on another forum, a woman she won the lottery this year but she registered through a third party company 3 years ago. She paid this company to register the lottery for 5 years. I don't know the detail but if she sent only one photo it means they don't really check the photographs.

oczywiscie to są wszystko forumowe wpisy...

ale tu goscie są niezli

Hi, everyone. I am a new member of this forum. I have a burning question, and I'll so much appreciate if I can receive a correct answer to it.

In 2004/2005, a friend of my submitted about 75 entries during the visa lottery registration with different names but same photo. One of the entries was selected and he continued to process it until an interview appointment was scheduled for him in 2006, at the embassy in Lagos. For fear that he might be disqualified and his fingerprint taken, he decided to forgo the interview, and since 2006, he has been submitting a single entry for himself during the registration period. As fate would have it, my friend was reselected in DV-2013, and we are confused whether he should process it or not. Please, is there any hope of success if he decides to process it? We'll be very happy if we can be provided with detailed information his fate if he ventures into it.

Thanks a lot. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Wynika więc z tego że jak ktos ma nasze zdjęcie i chce nas zdyskwalifikowac a nie zna dokładnych danych i wysle za nas zgłoszenie drugie to i tak nas zaprosza na rozmowe po wylosowaniu....kiedys taki wątek się pojawił tutaj...

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The latest figures from the US government's Department of Homeland Security show that 1,062,040 people obtained their 'green cards' properly known as lawful permanent residence in the USA last year, 2011.

Of these, 90,712 came from Europe. 13,443 came from the UK with a further 1,533 coming from the Republic of Ireland. The UK was the European country from with the most new green card holders. Twice as many came from the UK than from Germany, which came second out of the European Countries.

438,580 Asian citizens also gained US permanent resident status in 2011. Of these, 66,331 came from India. More Indians gained green cards than citizens of any other Asian country apart from China.

32,728 Australians and 12,495 New Zealanders as well as 19,506 Canadians also gained permanent residence status.

California was the most popular state for those who gained green cards. About 210,000 of the new permanent residents reside there. 150,000 live in New York and around 110,000 in Florida. 95,000 are settled in Texas.

Nearly 700,000 of the new permanent residents qualified as family members of US citizens while 140,000 (about 13%) qualified based on employment based immigration.

These broke down into five categories

• Priority workers 25,251

• Professionals with advanced degrees or exceptional ability 66,831

• Skilled workers, professionals and unskilled workers 37,216

• 'Special immigrants' 6,701

• Employment creation (investors) 3,340

There were also 50,000 who were granted permanent residency through the Green Card Lottery; The rest were largely refugees and asylum seekers.

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