Gość Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Zgłoś Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Proponuję przypiąć ten temat (albo chociaż mądre posty kariny) co by każdy był w stanie szybko znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie o karalność a wniosek.. Cytuj
karina Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Zgłoś Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Prosze nie zwaracac uwagi na to co ktos zrobil - prosze spojrzec na sam fakt, ze konsul 'doczepil' sie do klamstwa.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "... The record reflects that the applicant presently resides in Lithuania. He is the beneficiary of an approved ·Form 1-130, Petition for Alien Relative, filed on his behalf by his U.S. citizen spouse. The applicant was convicted on November 30, 2000 of intentional larceny under article 271 part 2 and article 16 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as of damage or destruction to property under article 278 part 1 of the Criminal Code. He was sentenced to eight months imprisonment, the execution of which was postponed one year for him to complete his studies. There is no indication in the criminal records that the sentence of imprisonment was executed. The record, however, contains a certificate issued by the IT and Communications Department under the Republic of Lithuania Ministry of the Interior, which indicates that the applicant is now listed as having no prior convictions. Counsel and the applicant indicate the conviction has been expunged. At the time he committed the criminal acts on January 5, 2000 and August 28, 2000, respectively, the applicant was sixteen years old. The applicant failed to disclose his criminal arrest and conviction on his immigrant visa application and affirmatively indicated that he had never been arrested in response to question 41 on that application. See Form DS-230 Part II, Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration, dated August 10, 2010. Furthermore, at the time of his consular interview on August 10, 2010, the applicant denied having any problems with the police. Upon the request of the U.S. Department ofState officer, the applicant subsequently produced criminal records, which confirmed the above conviction. The applicant then indicated he remembered breaking a window but that he had not been .arrested and had not gone to court. This assertion is contradicted by his conviction records which contain a judicial narrative, indicating that the applicant had been detained and interrogated by the police and that he had given testimony in court before a district judge. At a subsequent consular interview, the applicant disclosed that he was aware of his conviction and had failed to disclose it on his immigrant visa application because he was ashamed. He also indicated that because the conviction was expunged after a certain period of time has passed, he did not believe it necessary to disclose the conviction. The director concluded that the applicant's conviction did not render the applicant inadmissible under section 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(I) of the Act, for having committed acrime involving moral turpitude, because he fell within the exception to inadmissibility found under section 212(a)(2)(A)(ii)(I) of the Act, where: he was under the age of 18 when he committed the offense; the offense was committed more than five years before th.e date of the visa application; and if imprisoned for the offense, he was released more than five years before the date of the visa application. The record contains no evidence that the applicant was ever imprisoned for the conviction, which appears to have been expunged. See Certificate issued by the IT and Communications Department under the Republic ofLithuania Ministry of the Interior, dated April 28, 2010. The AAO finds no error in the director's determination that the applicant qualified for the exception under section 212(a)(2)(A)(ii)(I) of the Act and is therefore not inadmissible as a result of his criminal conviction. Based on the applicant's false statements in his visa application and during his consular interviews, however, the director determined that he was inadmissible under section 212(a)(6)(C)(i) of the Act for having sought to procure admission to the United States through fraud or misrepresentation." --------------------------------------- Tutaj mam jeszcze ciekawszy przyklad - ponownie, 'wyrywam' z kontekstu pewne rzeczy, zebyscie szybciej zwrocili uwage na owa nieszczesna niekaralnosc: In addition, counsel asserts that the applicant did not willfully misrepresent his criminal background as he had been granted "rehabilitation" under Italian law. In support of this contention, two documents were submitted with the motion, showing that the applicant has "no criminal record" as the rehabilitation "restored him to the condition of an individual who had never been arrested or convicted of a crime." In addition, the AAO found that the applicant failed to reveal his prior arrests and convictions when applying for admission pursuant to the VWP. Furthermore, the record shows the applicant willfully misrepresented that he had never been arrested when he applied for entry under the VWP. The I94W Nonimmigrant Visa Waiver ArrivalIDeparture Form asks, "Have you ever been . . . arrested or convicted for two or more offenses for which the aggregate sentence to confinement was five years . . . .?" (Emphasis added.). Even assuming the applicant believed he had no criminal convictions due to the fact that the Italian government granted him rehabilitation, stating that he had never been arrested was patently untrue. Significantly,there is no declaration or statement from the applicant asserting that he did not willfully misrepresent his previous arrests. Counsel's attempt to show the reasonableness of the applicant's subjective belief that he had no convictions because rehabilitation under Italian law treats the matter as if the matter never was, Motion to Reopen/Reconsider at 8-12, is unpersuasive without any statement from the applicant addressing his subjective belief.2 The Court held that only orders that vacate a criminal conviction based on a "defect in the underlying criminal proceeding" was no longer a "conviction" under the INA. Pinho, 432 F.3d at 215. In the instant case, the applicant's criminal convictions were "rehabilitated" under Italian law not because there was a defect in the underlying proceeding, but .--- rather, because of his good conduct during imprisonment and his assistance with the prosecution of other members of the Prima Linea. Letter from , dated August 11, 1995; Brief in Support of Appeal, dated June 14, 2001 ("As a result of his cooperation, . . . he was later awarder a full and complete pardon"). Therefore, under Phino, the applicant's numerous convictions remain convictions under the INA despite the Italian government's rehabilitation of his criminal record. Accordingly, the applicant is inadmissible under section 212(a)(6)(C)(i) for entering the United States as an intending immigrant under the VWP and for misrepresenting his previous arrests, convictions, and imprisonment in order to procure admission into the United States. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CZYLI TUTAJ IDAC TOKIEM MYSLENIA POWYZSZEJ SPRAWY - TRZEBA BY SIE W APLIKACJI NIE PRZYZNAC, ZE SIE BYLO KARANYM ALE ZA TO JAK CIE CHWYCA TO WYJASNIC, ZE WELL... BYLES KARANY, ALE W POLSCE NIE JESTES JUZ W REKORDZIE KARANY I WEDLE PRZEPISOW POLSKICH JESTES CZYSTY (CZYLI POWROT DO SLOWA "EVER" ...), POTRZEBUJECIE JESZCZE W MIARE DOBREGO ADWOKATA, PETYCJE I-130 A CO ZA TYM IDZIE JAKIEGOS SPONSORA, ODMOWIA WAM WIZY, ZROBICIE APPEAL W FORMIE UBIEGANIA SIE O WAIVER - I W TYM TO MOMENCIE BEDZIE MOZLIWOSC WYJASNIENIA, ZE "U NAS W POLSCE TO DZIALA TAK, ZE NIE JESTEM KARANY" - I MOZE KTOS TO NAWET UZNA... ALE PROSZE SPOJRZEC NA JEDNO CIEKAWE ZDANIE - Therefore, under Pinho, the applicant's numerous convictions remain convictions under the INA despite the Italian government's rehabilitation of his criminal record. I CHYBA NA TO ZDANIE POWOLUJA SIE KONSULOWIE ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRZEPRASZAM ZE TAK MALO UMIEJETNIE WKLEJAM PRZYKLADY, ALE JESLI CHODZI O KOMPUTERY TO JA NIE ZA BARDZO ... Cytuj
kzielu Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Zgłoś Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Chcialem dac like'a albo upvote do powyzszego postu ale Adminowi niestety nie mozna... Cytuj
maciopa Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Zgłoś Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 10 godzin temu, karina napisał: Skad wiedzieli o wyroku? Ja nie wiem. Hasła : "pomoc prawna", "ksip", "zatarcie skazania a KSIP" Cytuj
lukasz1984 Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Autor Zgłoś Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Ja generalnie jestem przekonany ze z moim przestepstwem ( proba wyludzenia kredytu z banku, nie na duza kwote, ale kara byla ) na bank dostane zakaz wjazdu do USA i nawet moje papiery z pracy na wize biznesowa nie pomoga. Na rozmowe bede szedl bo musze sie pojawic, ale po tym co czytalem to moje szanse sa praktycznie rowne zeru. Teraz kilka odpowedzi odnosnie zatarcia skazania: niektore instytucje maja prawo i mozliwosc dostepu to wyrokow nawet zatartych, jest taka opcja ( wiem od osoby ktora pracuje w organach ), oczywiscie ze mozna ryzykowac, ale czy warto? Lepiej powiedziec prawde, dostac odmowe i miec szanse aplikowac ponownie niz dostac dozytowniego bana za klamstwo... Ja napisalem szczerze we wniosku co i jak, potwierdze to na rozmowie, postaram sie przekonac konsula ze wiecej tego nie popelnie, ale i tak niestety moje szanse sa bardzo niskie, wrecz jestem nastawiony na to ze wizy nie dostane. Cytuj
mola Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Zgłoś Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 @lukasz1984 napisz potem jak ta sprawa się skończyła. Powodzenia! Cytuj
karina Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Zgłoś Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 2 godziny temu, kzielu napisał: Chcialem dac like'a albo upvote do powyzszego postu ale Adminowi niestety nie mozna... a ja sie tyle opisalam, przykladow szukalam, staralm sie wszystko wyajsnic prostymi slowami... i nawet like'a nie mozna mi dac? Chyba zaczne pisac bloga - jak dodam do tego przyklady spraw, ktrore znam, jak opisze madrosci niektorych klientow - to moze byc nieglupi pomysl... 1 Cytuj
Gość Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Zgłoś Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 17 minut temu, karina napisał: a ja sie tyle opisalam, przykladow szukalam, staralm sie wszystko wyajsnic prostymi slowami... i nawet like'a nie mozna mi dac? Chyba zaczne pisac bloga - jak dodam do tego przyklady spraw, ktrore znam, jak opisze madrosci niektorych klientow - to moze byc nieglupi pomysl... Wspomnienia prawnika imigracyjnego.. ja bym taka książkę kupiła. Cytuj
Patipitts Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Zgłoś Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 53 minuty temu, Roelka napisał: Wspomnienia prawnika imigracyjnego.. ja bym taka książkę kupiła. I ja też @karina to działaj, tylko nie zapomnij linka nam do bloga wysłać tu na forum Cytuj
kzielu Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 Zgłoś Napisano 12 Kwietnia 2018 1 godzinę temu, karina napisał: a ja sie tyle opisalam, przykladow szukalam, staralm sie wszystko wyajsnic prostymi slowami... i nawet like'a nie mozna mi dac? Chyba zaczne pisac bloga - jak dodam do tego przyklady spraw, ktrore znam, jak opisze madrosci niektorych klientow - to moze byc nieglupi pomysl... Forum nie pozwala (zeby moja wypowiedz byla jasna). Cytuj
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