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Z powyzszego linku wynika, ze:
"Od 30 kwietnia 2013 r. władze imigracyjne USA wprowadziły zmianę w przepisach o wydawaniu i wypełnianiu formularza wjazdowego I-94 na teren Stanów Zjednoczonych ( I-94 Arrival / Departure Record). Obecnie formularz I-94 dostępny jest wyłącznie w formie elektronicznej dla wszystkich osób przekraczających granicę z USA."

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The I-94 is the Arrival / Departure Record, in either paper or electronic format, issued by a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer to foreign visitors entering the United States. After April 30, 2013, most Arrival/Departure records will be created electronically upon arrival. Instead of a paper form, the visitor will be provided with an annotated stamp in the foreign passport. If provided a paper form, the admitting CBP Officer generally attaches the I-94 to the visitor's passport and stamps the departure date on the form.

In both circumstances, an electronic I-94 or paper I-94, the visitor must exit the U.S. on or before that date stamped on the form or in the passport.

The I-94 is the Arrival / Departure Record, in either paper or electronic format, issued by a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer to foreign visitors entering the United States. After April 30, 2013, most Arrival/Departure records will be created electronically upon arrival. Instead of a paper form, the visitor will be provided with an annotated stamp in the foreign passport. If provided a paper form, the admitting CBP Officer generally attaches the I-94 to the visitor's passport and stamps the departure date on the form.

In both circumstances, an electronic I-94 or paper I-94, the visitor must exit the U.S. on or before that date stamped on the form or in the passport.

I-94 istnieje nadal, ale przybralo inna forme, wiec nie wymaga tradycyjnego wypelniania.

Powyzsze nie dotyczy wjazdu na teren USA droga ladowa.

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