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Ile Czeka Się Na Wize I-130 Plus K1


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My chyba ominiemy procedury w NVC tak jak nam mówili w ambasadzie i badania lekarskie poniewaz k4 wiąze sie z ty tym ze wszystko dokancza sie w stanach juz, i omija NVC poniewaz to jest przyspieszona dla rodziny dla malzonka i dziecka nieletniego cos takiego z tego co maz mi mowil. Na i130 tez miala isc do NVC ale ze zatwierdzili tez k4 to ominie to najprawdopodobniej ale dowiemy sie w liscie ktory na dniach ma przyjsc do mnie czy do meza. A odnośnie do tej co ty masz zlozona to i tak krocej, niby wydawalo by sie ze maz to niby szybciej niz jak syn zalatwia ale widac krocej, pozniej i ja bede zalatwiac mamie moze to tez mam nadzieje ze nie bedzie to trwalo tez dlugo.

To znaczy do NVC nasza pojdzie ta i130 ale k4 sprawi to ze czas w ktorym i130 bedzie tam by bedziemy juz w stanach.

ale z tego co piszesz to do ciebie i tak czesciej informacje naplywaja u nas pierwszy raz sie odezwali teraz 5 listopada od 15 marca.

I I-130 i K-3 ida do NVC. Taka jest procedura. Immigration nie wysyla niczego bezposrednio do Warszawy. NVC wysyla dokumenty do Warszawy. Nie omija sie niczego ze wzgledu na dziecko obywatela USA, bo NVC musi nadac numer sprawie w obu przypadkach. Pozniej, jesli ktos wlatuje na K-3 to I-130 bedzie potrzebna w Stanach, ale tak czy inaczej zatwierdzona I-130 idzie do NVC.

Jesli obie petycje byly zatwierdzone to liczy sie, ktora petycja bedzie wczesniej wprowadzona w system NVC, bo immigration wysyla zatwierdzone petycje z rozna szybkoscia.

Tutaj jest o tym napisane na stronie urzedu imigracyjego:

When both petitions have been approved by USCIS and sent to the NVC or when USCIS approves the I-130 before the I-129F, the availability of, as well as the need for, a nonimmigrant K-3 visa ends. If the NVC receives both an approved I-130 petition and an approved I-129F petition:

  • The nonimmigrant K-3 visa case will be administratively closed.
  • The application process explained below will not be available to the foreign-citizen spouse and cannot be used.
  • The NVC will contact the U.S. citizen sponsor and foreign-citizen spouse, with instructions for processing the IR-1 (or CR-1) immigrant visa. For more information on the immigrant visa process, review the Immigrant Visa for a Spouse webpage.

If the NVC receives the approved I-129F petition before it receives the I-130 petition, the NVC will process the I-129F petition.

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Karina ale teraz zle piszesz poniewaz u nas petycje K4 prosto z urzedu w Californi poszla do Warszawy w pismie jest napisane, wiec nie myl bo jak nie mialam dokumentow moglam sluchac tych wypowiedzi na forum ale bardziej mnie stresowały, a teraz juz wiem wiec I-130 masz racje poszla do NVC ale K4 nie. Wiec nie wprowadzaj innych w bląd bo wiem po swoim przypadku już.

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Karina ale teraz zle piszesz poniewaz u nas petycje K4 prosto z urzedu w Californi poszla do Warszawy w pismie jest napisane, wiec nie myl bo jak nie mialam dokumentow moglam sluchac tych wypowiedzi na forum ale bardziej mnie stresowały, a teraz juz wiem wiec I-130 masz racje poszla do NVC ale K4 nie. Wiec nie wprowadzaj innych w bląd bo wiem po swoim przypadku już.

Petycje o wize K-3/K-4 ida do National Visa Center z immigration a nie prosto do Warszawy. I nie sa to moje slowa, tylko prawo, ktore potwierdza strona urzedu imigracyjnego - zgadza sie, ze masz na approval napisane, ze sprawa bedzie transferowana do konsulatu/ambasady w Twoim kraju, tyle tylko, ze nie prosto ale przez National Visa Center. Tak wyglada caly proces. Inaczej nie moglabys miec numeru sprawy, ktory nadaje wlasnie National Visa Center i tenze numer zaczyna sie od WRW. Bez tego numeru nie mozesz nic zrobic, nawet sprawdzic statusu sprawy.

Petycja idzie tak: urzad imigracyjny -> National Visa Center -> Polska. Tak to wyglada czy komus sie to podoba, czy nie, czy go to stresuje czy nie, taka jest procedura.

a tutaj masz konkretnie napisane na ten tema ze strony urzedu imigracyjnego

Upon approval, USCIS will forward your petitions to the National Visa Center (NVC). The NVC will take appropriate action depending on the order they receive your petitions. Review the table below for details.

If the NVC receives…


The I-130 before your I-129F

  • The NVC will administratively close your I-129F
  • Your spouse cannot receive a K3 visa
  • The NVC will contact you with instructions on how to process the I-130 petition to receive an IR1 or CR1 immigrant visa

The I-130 and the I-129F at the same time

The I-129F before your I-130

The NVC will give you a case number and send your I-129F petition to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where your marriage occurred

The Second Step: Applying for a Visa

Important Notice: When both petitions have been approved by USCIS and sent to the NVC or when USCIS approves the I-130 before the I-129F, the availability of, as well as the need for, a nonimmigrant K-3 visa ends. If the NVC receives both an approved I-130 petition and an approved I-129F petition:

  • The nonimmigrant K-3 visa case will be administratively closed.
  • The application process explained below will not be available to the foreign-citizen spouse and cannot be used.
  • The NVC will contact the U.S. citizen sponsor and foreign-citizen spouse, with instructions for processing the IR-1 (or CR-1) immigrant visa. For more information on the immigrant visa process, review the Immigrant Visa for a Spouse webpage.

If the NVC receives the approved I-129F petition before it receives the I-130 petition, the NVC will process the I-129F petition.

The NVC will mail you a letter if it sends your spouse’s I-129F petition to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Upon receiving this letter, inform your spouse to take the below listed actions to apply for a K3 visa and prepare for the interview.

NVC will then send the I-129F petition to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where the marriage took place. If the marriage took place in the United States, the NVC will send the petition to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate that issues visas in the foreign-citizen spouse’s country of nationality. If the marriage took place in a country that does not have a U.S. Embassy, or the Embassy or Consulate does not issue visas, the NVC will send the petition to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate that normally processes visas for citizens of that country. For example, if the marriage took place in Iran where the U.S. does not have an Embassy or Consulate, the petition would be sent to Turkey.

The U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you, the foreign-citizen spouse, will apply will provide you with specific instructions, including, where to go for the required medical examination.

Eligible children of K-3 visa applicants may apply for K-4 visas. Separate applications must be submitted for each K visa applicant, and each K visa applicant must pay the visa application fee.

Once your case has been received from NVC by the U.S. Embassy or Consulate that will process it, the length of time varies from case to case according to its circumstances. Some cases are delayed because applicants do not follow instructions carefully or supply incomplete information. (It is important to give us correct postal addresses and telephone numbers.) Some visa applications require further administrative processing, which takes additional time after the visa applicant's interview by a Consular Officer.


Moze ktos Ci tutaj to przetlumaczy i wtedy bedziesz wiedziala jak to wyglada krok po kroku. Tak jak napisalam: na approval pisze, ze Twoja petycje bedzie przetransferowana do Twojego kraju, co oznacza, ze najpierw musi isc do NVC (gdzie nie wysylasz zadnych dokumentow, ale to NVC nadaje numer sprawie), a pozniej jest przesylane do Twojego kraju. Takie jest prawo. To, ze nie musisz wnosic do NVC dodatkowych oplat badz wysylac dokumento, nie znaczy, ze aplikacja o K-3 byla wyslana prosto z Kaliforni do Polski. Dlatego, bez numeru WRWXXXXX nie mozesz nawet sprawdzic co sie dzieje ze sprawa, a tegoz numeru nie dostaniesz inaczej niz od NVC. Tego numeru nie nadaje ani immigration ani konsulat czy ambasada.

PS. Nie zycze sobie zebys mowila, ze kogos wprowadzam w blad, bo Ciebie nie wrowadzilam w blad - kazda moja odpowiedz masz poparta konkretnymi przepisami ze strony urzedu imigracyjnego.

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z visajourney:

Once you receive the NOA2 for the I-129F:
Note: The approved I-129F package will be forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC) and then to the embassy presiding over the country and region your spouse lives in. Follow the instructions below regarding information needed by your spouse for their interview. - strona zajmujaca sie prawem

Obtaining a K-3 nonimmigrant visa involves six major steps:

1. The U.S. citizen spouse submits a visa petition (Form I-130) to a USCIS “lockbox” office in the United States. That office will forward the petition to a USCIS Service Center. If the immigrant has children immigrating with him or her, the U.S. citizen spouse should also submit separate visa petitions on their behalf as well. To do so, the U.S. spouse must qualify as the child’s parent or stepparent, and can be their stepparent only if your marriage took place before the child’s 18th birthday. Separate visa petitions will be required for each child when it comes time to adjust status (apply for a green card), so the sooner you get them in, the better, particularly if the child is likely to turn 21 before the process ends.

2. After the U.S. citizen receives an I-797 receipt notice for the I-130, he or she submits a separate, “fiancé” visa petition (Form I-129F) to the USCIS Service Center from which the I-130 receipt came.

3. After USCIS approves Form I-129F, it sends word to the National Visa Center (NVC), which conducts some preprocessing procedures, and then transfers the case to the appropriate U.S. consulate. (But here's where the process may not go as planned -- if USCIS approves the I-130 before the I-129F, it will transfer that approval to the NVC first, in which case the file will be treated as an immigrant visa application, and the I-129F will be subsequently ignored.)

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A tutaj ile sie czeka na K-3 (znowu - nie sa to moje slowa, tylko ze strony nolo, zeby sie ktos nie stresowal, ze ja wprowadzam kogos w blad:

How long this entire process of getting you into the U.S. takes, if you do somehow get a K-3 rather than an immigrant visa, depends mostly on how long it takes for the I-129F visa petition to be approved. This can be many months by itself. After that, expect another six weeks or so to get your consular instructions, and, assuming you send your forms back in right away, another six weeks or so for you to get your appointment.

Na appointment w Polsce az tyle sie nie czeka, ale nie jest to ot tak sobie z dnia na dzien, bo jest lista rzeczy, ktore trzeba zrobic, wypelnic, wyslac/dostarczyc plus czekanie na paszport. To nie jest tak, ze kiedy NVC przetransferuje dokumenty do Polski to sie idzie i od razu dostaje wize...

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a tutaj jeszcze potwierdzenie moich slow z innej strony:

The U.S. citizen sponsor, must first file Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office that serves the area where the U.S. Citizen lives.
The U.S. Citizen spouse must then file Form I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiance, for your foreign-citizen spouse and stepchildren.
After USCIS approves the petitions, they will be sent to the National Visa Center (NVC) for processing.
If the NVC receives the approved I-129F petition before it receives the I-130 petition, the NVC will process the I-129F petition. NVC will then send the I-129F petition to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where the marriage took place. If the marriage took place in the United States, the NVC will send the petition to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate that issues visas in the foreign-citizen spouses country of nationality. If the marriage took place in a country that does not have a U.S. Embassy, or the Embassy or Consulate does not issue visas, the NVC will send the petition to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate that normally processes visas for citizens of that country.


dostalismy papiery i zostaly wyslane prosto do warszawy

i warszwa bedzie sie umaiwlaa ze mna na sporkanie z konsulem

Bo Warszawa dostala Twoj pakiet z NVC i taka jest kolej rzeczy. NVC nic Ci nie wysyla, bo to nie jest sprawa o I-130. NVC dostalo dokumenty z immigration, nadalo numer sprawie i przekazalo sprawe do kraju gdzie byl zawarty zwiazek malzenski i tyle. Tak wyglada procedura o K-3/K-4.

Gdyby byla sprawa o I-130 wtedy NVC by Ci wysylalo bezposrednio od nich dokumenty. Jesli nie jest, to nadaja numer sprawie i sprawa idzie do odpowiedniego miejsca poza USA.

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